I'd like to know what the search possibilities are within a DataTable ?
I know about the .Rows[index]["column name"] posiibility.
But is there any possibility of searching through the rows fo some known
value ?
Like having a table this way :
| name | Id# | Age |
| John | 1001 | 24 |
| Mark | 1002 | 37 |
| Pippo | 1010 | 29 |
| | | |
And now I'd like to select all records (rows) which have Id# equal to 1010
Is this possible ? And is it possible to place the results of this "query"
in a datareaderstrem ???
Thanks, I hope I explained my question in a proper way...
I'd like to know what the search possibilities are within a DataTable ?
I know about the .Rows[index]["column name"] posiibility.
But is there any possibility of searching through the rows fo some known
value ?
Like having a table this way :
| name | Id# | Age |
| John | 1001 | 24 |
| Mark | 1002 | 37 |
| Pippo | 1010 | 29 |
| | | |
And now I'd like to select all records (rows) which have Id# equal to 1010
Is this possible ? And is it possible to place the results of this "query"
in a datareaderstrem ???
Thanks, I hope I explained my question in a proper way...