I agree with the problems of sticky notes - I use the original Stickies,
but I don't want all the alarm/remoinder stuff; when they roll up tou
can't see what they're about unless you've set a title, which I don't
want the trouble of.
You _don't_ set a title at all. You just start your note(s) and the
first line becomes a title. I should have stated it better. sorry.
The fact is that all that feature is, is it's a good indicator of what
your note is. When I use the notes, I can have up to 15 or more at
once, easily. Without having to bother to set a title, it's nice to
see at a glance what the rolled up note is and I can set them all up
at the top of the page. Since they're rolled up, a ton of them can be
put without obliterating the screen. Then when I'm done, with a
simple right click on the notes box on the bar and they're hidden. A
simple middle-button click and they all appear!
Sorry if it wasn't clear. Again, the power of PowerPro re the notes
feature is that you DO NOT have to set a title to know what the note
is. Then, roll it up and move it. Since the rolled up note is never
bigger than the space of a title bar in any given window, they hide
away very nicely while still being visible.
Other than that, they are the best I've tried.
But your powerpro ones seem to be the dog's, so I downloaded ppro, and I
think I like it, so that I don't *just* want to use it for stickies.
Ah, well, that's the "power" in PowerPro. The neat thing about
getting a configured PPro config file, like the one I posted, is that
you have a starting place. Granted, there is the default one, but it
doesn't have any easy access to configuration help files. I built
that in to a certain degree.
I found the default one difficult to work with and it took me about a
few weeks before I had anything approaching the complexity I have now.
You'll notice the tooltips that I have - that's a direct holdover from
Stiletto, the 16bit precursor to PowerPro. PowerPro lost that
built-in feature. Fortunately, though, you can add it in manually as
I did.
Re the notes PPro config file, I wondered if I should leave more in
than I did in case anyone wanted to configure more for themselves, but
I actually didn't. However, I did leave in my configuration access to
it in the first date box (by right-clicking as it says) and some of
the items in the (EXIT) box. The _unfortunate_ thing, if I can call
it that, about PPro is how it _is_ extremely configurable. So with
the basic notes configuration I posted, it is not always realized that
_everything_ you see on it, I put there. But the beauty of PPro is
that you can change absolutely anything there, then, that you want.
You don't want the GDI resources, for example, well, then delete the
item from the (BAR) configuration screen. I also labelled my bars to
make life easier. The main bar you see can be found under (BAR),
simply enough, and because of the brackets, it's the first item
listed. Again, it's SO configurable, you can do what you want.
My bar is much more complex than the stripped down one I posted for
NOTES, as you can imagine. I could get rid of my START menu and run
everything off of PPro with absolutely no problem, to give you an
I probably should strip mine down again but without going as far as I
did with the notes one I posted. Would that be of interest to
anyone?? In particular, the scripting features of PPro are pretty
Anyhoo, let me know.
(I haven't tried your .cfg yet - life's a ruddy blush! - but is it
possible to have both? ppro *and* your stickies.
As I mentioned, it's so highly configurable that the answer is a
resounding YES!!
Forgive me if it's a silly question, but it's nearly bedtime, and I'm not
too smart about .cfg's and such, so I thought I'd ask first.
No, the question is _not_ silly at all. I used Stiletto for about 6
months and then switched to PPro when I got my 32bit computer and have
used it for about 3 years now. But can't forget how PPro was daunting
the first time I tried it. Fortunately, though, I had my Stiletto bar
as a starting point so I painstakingly worked on translating it, a
16bit app, to the 32bit PPro until I had the same basic bar that
Stiletto was. And then I took off from there.
In the last 6 months, for one reason or another, I have cut way back
on PPro's use but that is more because of RAM issues. I do some
pretty complex stuff now that uses up every single drop of juice I
have and 128 is no longer enough. Whereas I had PPro running
everything before, I now find that I only use it for things where only
it can do the job. If I ever could get a computer with more RAM, it
probably would be the first thing to come back on board all the time.
Replace the defalt cfg with mine to see how much easier the notes are
to work with than what the default one has, if you can. The default
notes aren't really completely configured.
Good luck!