Question about movie making

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I have a series of snipits that have been stored in my computer on window
media...these snipits are small sections from numerous movies that I have to
click on windows media in order to run. IS there any way that these snipets
can be cut and pasted together? I think that each snipet has its own seperate
audio and video sections...but i am not totally sure on that one...but the
audio is not an essential part of the movie but would be nice if it were on what I want to do is put this large group of small snipetts
together into one big large movie and then eventually save it on DVD that I
can run on my DVD drive on my computer. I have a NEC 3520 DVD player. I also
have plenty of hard drive space on my computer...I think that there is over
80 gigs or maybe 120 gigs....but regardless I need to know whether I can do
this with your windows movie maker...? I do not think that your program can
put this on a DVD on my computer DVD drive but let me know if that is
possible as well......

thanks in advance for your time and happy new year!!!
Well now certainly what you want to do can be done.
What type of files are these "snipits"?
As long as they are compatible with Movie Maker you can quite easily import
them drag them all to the timeline, depending on length, and create a movie
with them. As far as the DVD part goes that depends on your system. If you
have a DVD Burner and not just a DVD Player then you can use a DVD Authoring
program to create your DVD. If you have a Media Edition computer then you
can simply click "Save to DVD" from Movie Maker, although I don't recommend
doing it that way, and create a movie that way.
Rule of thumb for a high quality DVD is one hour per disk. If you lower the
quality to fit more than that on a DVD then you may not be happy with the