The company I work for decided to set up our monitors in "portrait
mode". The only problem is that we use regular CRT monitor not those
fancy swivel LCD's. In other words the monitor stand on their side.
When I tried to use one of those setup monitors I felt sick and
immediately went to a normal one. I know other people didn't like it
any better. What I need is some information regarding potential
hazards using a setup like this, both to people and hardware (I don't
think they care that much about us workers). So if anybody can provide
me with facts, opinion, experiences preferably some links (on this
subject) or references I'd greatly appreciate it.
mode". The only problem is that we use regular CRT monitor not those
fancy swivel LCD's. In other words the monitor stand on their side.
When I tried to use one of those setup monitors I felt sick and
immediately went to a normal one. I know other people didn't like it
any better. What I need is some information regarding potential
hazards using a setup like this, both to people and hardware (I don't
think they care that much about us workers). So if anybody can provide
me with facts, opinion, experiences preferably some links (on this
subject) or references I'd greatly appreciate it.