Question About Missing Data

  • Thread starter Thread starter ryguy7272
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So, this is probably really easy, but I just want to ask and see if I may be
missing something here. Some data on vendor numbers changed. Let’s say IBM
used to have a vendor number 12345 and now it’s vendor number is 56789. I
can identify IBM as IBM, but I really want to use the number, not the name.
Should I set up a table that ties the numbers together, so that Access knows
12345 = 56789? Or, should I do some kind of Update Query and change all
incidences of 12345 to be 56789? Or, is there some other, method, like a
‘best practices for missing data’?

ryguy7272 said:
So, this is probably really easy, but I just want to ask and see if I may
missing something here. Some data on vendor numbers changed. Let's say
used to have a vendor number 12345 and now it's vendor number is 56789. I
can identify IBM as IBM, but I really want to use the number, not the
Should I set up a table that ties the numbers together, so that Access
12345 = 56789? Or, should I do some kind of Update Query and change all
incidences of 12345 to be 56789? Or, is there some other, method, like a
'best practices for missing data'?

I would run Update Queries to fix the problem, but either method should
work. It worries me when you say that you are missing data. Why would data
be missing. No one should be able to change a key if your relationships have
been properly built.
I the changed data an autonumber field? Autonumbers will not stay the same.
As you add or delete records they change. They are just to be unique.
Thanks for the responses, golfinray and Arvin. I don't think I gave enough
information. I am about to start building this DB, based on information in
several Excel files. I don't think AutoNumbers are the solution, but
perhaps. Can you explain more? Again, I have many IDs, but these may have
changed and some may be missing altogether. Maybe the issues should be
resolved in Excel, before taking everything over to Access. A simple Ctrl+F
then Find/Replace may fix many of the problems. I'm just trying to think of
the easiest way to proceed with this task.