William Morris
We recently started getting a huge amount of traffic on our development
server, which BlackIce identified as "possible Smurf attacks". By default,
BlackIce leaves some ports open - like 135. I have closed the firewall to
everything except 80, 21, 3389, and 1433.
Two sets of questions: first:
Besides the four ports listed above, are there any other ports I should
leave open? Since 135 is open by default, have I done a bad thing closing
it? What's up with those default ports?
With all but the four ports above closed, what is BlackIce really
telling me when it logs an intruder on a certain port? I have it set to
"Paranoid", i.e. block all traffic except specified exceptions. The
interface and documentation are awful, but it's the only firewall I have
available to me.
- Wm Morris
server, which BlackIce identified as "possible Smurf attacks". By default,
BlackIce leaves some ports open - like 135. I have closed the firewall to
everything except 80, 21, 3389, and 1433.
Two sets of questions: first:
Besides the four ports listed above, are there any other ports I should
leave open? Since 135 is open by default, have I done a bad thing closing
it? What's up with those default ports?
With all but the four ports above closed, what is BlackIce really
telling me when it logs an intruder on a certain port? I have it set to
"Paranoid", i.e. block all traffic except specified exceptions. The
interface and documentation are awful, but it's the only firewall I have
available to me.
- Wm Morris