I have signed up to a dotnet hosting account and I have a dotnet app
called CommunityServer, which allows me to setup my own news
forums. The path of one of my forums (the third one) is
I have looked in my ftp space, and although I was able to find
ShowForum.aspx, I was not able to fing a subdirectory "/3" -
this is my first question, i.e. were is it.
The second question is, assuming I do find the correct ShowForum.aspx
file, I would like to add to it some code of my own, however, when I
looked at this file I couldn't understand one bit of code, and as far as
I understand asp/x this is a very strange file, it goes like this:
<%@ Page SmartNavigation="False" Language="C#" enableViewState = "false" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="CS" Namespace="CommunityServer.Controls"
Assembly="CommunityServer.Controls" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="CSD"
Assembly="CommunityServer.Discussions" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="CommunityServer.Discussions.Components" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="CommunityServer.Components" %>
<CS:MPContainer runat="server" id="MPContainer" ThemeMasterFile =
"ForumMaster.ascx" >
<CS:MPContent id="bcr" runat="server">
<CSD:ThreadView runat="server" id="Threadview1" />
<CS:MPContent id="rcr" runat="server" >
<div class="CommonSidebar">
<div class="CommonSidebarArea">
<h4 class="CommonSidebarHeader"><CS:ResourceLabel runat="server"
ResourceName="Shortcuts" id="Resourcelabel7"/></h4>
<div class="CommonSidebarContent">
<CSD:ForumLinkBar runat="Server" ID="Forumlinkbar1"/>
<div class="CommonSidebarArea">
<h4 class="CommonSidebarHeader">
<cs:ResourceControl ResourceName="PopularTags" runat="server" />
<div class="CommonSidebarContent">
ommonTag1" runat="server" id="TagCloud" MaximumNumberOfTags="25"
ShowTagCounts="false" IgnoreFilterTags="true"
CssClass="CommonSidebarTagCloud" />
<div class="CommonSidebarFooter">
<a href="<%=SiteUrls.Instance().TagsHome %>"><cs:ResourceControl
ResourceName="ViewAllTags" runat="server" ID="Resourcecontrol2"
Does anyone know what all these xml means, and how can I add, for
example, a bit of code that just prints "hello world" to the screen.
called CommunityServer, which allows me to setup my own news
forums. The path of one of my forums (the third one) is
I have looked in my ftp space, and although I was able to find
ShowForum.aspx, I was not able to fing a subdirectory "/3" -
this is my first question, i.e. were is it.
The second question is, assuming I do find the correct ShowForum.aspx
file, I would like to add to it some code of my own, however, when I
looked at this file I couldn't understand one bit of code, and as far as
I understand asp/x this is a very strange file, it goes like this:
<%@ Page SmartNavigation="False" Language="C#" enableViewState = "false" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="CS" Namespace="CommunityServer.Controls"
Assembly="CommunityServer.Controls" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="CSD"
Assembly="CommunityServer.Discussions" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="CommunityServer.Discussions.Components" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="CommunityServer.Components" %>
<CS:MPContainer runat="server" id="MPContainer" ThemeMasterFile =
"ForumMaster.ascx" >
<CS:MPContent id="bcr" runat="server">
<CSD:ThreadView runat="server" id="Threadview1" />
<CS:MPContent id="rcr" runat="server" >
<div class="CommonSidebar">
<div class="CommonSidebarArea">
<h4 class="CommonSidebarHeader"><CS:ResourceLabel runat="server"
ResourceName="Shortcuts" id="Resourcelabel7"/></h4>
<div class="CommonSidebarContent">
<CSD:ForumLinkBar runat="Server" ID="Forumlinkbar1"/>
<div class="CommonSidebarArea">
<h4 class="CommonSidebarHeader">
<cs:ResourceControl ResourceName="PopularTags" runat="server" />
<div class="CommonSidebarContent">
ommonTag1" runat="server" id="TagCloud" MaximumNumberOfTags="25"
ShowTagCounts="false" IgnoreFilterTags="true"
CssClass="CommonSidebarTagCloud" />
<div class="CommonSidebarFooter">
<a href="<%=SiteUrls.Instance().TagsHome %>"><cs:ResourceControl
ResourceName="ViewAllTags" runat="server" ID="Resourcecontrol2"
Does anyone know what all these xml means, and how can I add, for
example, a bit of code that just prints "hello world" to the screen.