I have a super form with a tabbed control that has 6 tabs each with
its own sub form(s). A Total of 8 forms involved.
Form Hierarchy is as Follows
Super Form
Family Tab
Family Contacts Sub Form
Information Tab
Information Sub Form
Performance Tab
Performance Search Form
Performance Sub Form
Product Search Form
Product Sub Form
Reports Sub form
I have been coding a set of business rules for this database and I've
come across a problem
According to Access Help Menu the "The Forms collection contains all
of the currently open forms in a Microsoft Access database." I open
the super form which in theory should open all 7 sub forms and put
them in the Application.Forms collection
Yet in code when I debug in the immediate window Forms.Count = 2
The Super form and the Performance Sub form are the only two forms
which show.
Whats even stranger is the code I am executing is running behind the
Information Sub Form and this form doesnt show in the Forms
The question is Why does the performance sub form show in the
collection and not its parent Performance Search form, and why don't
the rest of the sub forms show in the Forms collection?
its own sub form(s). A Total of 8 forms involved.
Form Hierarchy is as Follows
Super Form
Family Tab
Family Contacts Sub Form
Information Tab
Information Sub Form
Performance Tab
Performance Search Form
Performance Sub Form
Product Search Form
Product Sub Form
Reports Sub form
I have been coding a set of business rules for this database and I've
come across a problem
According to Access Help Menu the "The Forms collection contains all
of the currently open forms in a Microsoft Access database." I open
the super form which in theory should open all 7 sub forms and put
them in the Application.Forms collection
Yet in code when I debug in the immediate window Forms.Count = 2
The Super form and the Performance Sub form are the only two forms
which show.
Whats even stranger is the code I am executing is running behind the
Information Sub Form and this form doesnt show in the Forms
The question is Why does the performance sub form show in the
collection and not its parent Performance Search form, and why don't
the rest of the sub forms show in the Forms collection?