=?Utf- said:
Could anyone please provide me with some advice about a good location for my
computer tower itself? I have it about 3 inchs from the floor and it seems to
always be DUSTY very very dusty inside dispite all that I do.
Look at where dust/traffic is - if you have a suction near a traffic
area (carpet, floor, paper cutter, etc...) you are going to have
If you put a computer on top a desk you will have less dust, but if the
environment has a lot of suspended dust you have only one solution - get
a air filter for the room.
I had one construction company that had more dust on their
floor/computers (also on the floor) that I've seen any other place
(including a cement factory). They hired a company to clean their
offices, clean the carpets, and moved the computers 24" off the floor,
and installed clean filters in the air intake systems. It's amazing how
clean things are in their office now, and the fans show no sign of dust
after 6 months.