Question about detail forms.

  • Thread starter Thread starter BillG
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I am developing a business app using that will have 2 different
types of forms, a list view of data and then a detail view. The list views
are placed on a content panel in a master page. The user can then click an
Add button or edit button to add or modify an item in the list. My question
is what is the best way to handle a detail form? Should the detail form
appear in place of the list view in the content panel of the master page or
should the detail form be a pop up for the user to enter information, save
the data, close the form and return back to the list view? Any reason why
one way is preferable over the other, both from the programmers standpoint
and from the users?

This is a real "it depends" type of answer.

If you are dealing with small amounts of data, especially from a single
form, allowing edit with the list showing is okay. If you are drilling down
into a variety of tables, however, or the amount of data is extensive, it is
generally better to show the list separately from the details, as the list
can end up as a distraction. If you go this route, make sure you have some
way to "cancel" back to the list rather than force the user to update
information when he clicks the wrong link (or worse, use the back button).

The best way to answer the question is to stop thinking about the technology
and imagine a person doing this without a computer. If you find they would
probably look through a paper report and then pull a file, the details are
better separated from the list. If they would, instead, cross out
information on the report, add notes and hand it to someone to change the
information in their file and reprint the report, then details and list on
the same page are fine.

Software is about intent. Think about how the business intends to handle it
and then reflect intent in the coding.

Gregory A. Beamer

| Think outside the box!