Chris Bedford
Hi Any Tech Heads,
I read somewhere that ATI version of Cinefx is something to do with z
write and something else. As you can see im very sketchy on this subject
and wandered if anyone can tell me exactly what do you say when someones ask
can the ATI card do nvidias cinefx. I know the answer is yes but how do you
explain it to someone?
Hope that makes sense to someone!
Cheers Chris
I read somewhere that ATI version of Cinefx is something to do with z
write and something else. As you can see im very sketchy on this subject
and wandered if anyone can tell me exactly what do you say when someones ask
can the ATI card do nvidias cinefx. I know the answer is yes but how do you
explain it to someone?
Hope that makes sense to someone!
Cheers Chris