I've noticed that when a software manufacturer links to their ftp site for
an upgrade, at times the ftp address icon appears in my Windows Explorer
tree under "My Network Places".
I try to delete the icon as soon as I see it, but sometimes neglect to.
If I'm not on that company's site, or if I don't click on the icon, can the
administrator of that site (or others with access to their server) see my
computer and hard drive?
I'm constantly watching my firewall to see if there's any incoming or
outgoing traffic, and find myself doing netstat -an commands every 30
minutes as a form of paranoia.
an upgrade, at times the ftp address icon appears in my Windows Explorer
tree under "My Network Places".
I try to delete the icon as soon as I see it, but sometimes neglect to.
If I'm not on that company's site, or if I don't click on the icon, can the
administrator of that site (or others with access to their server) see my
computer and hard drive?
I'm constantly watching my firewall to see if there's any incoming or
outgoing traffic, and find myself doing netstat -an commands every 30
minutes as a form of paranoia.