Peyman Zehtab-Fard
I am using a StreamWriter object creaed with a FileStream. At some point I
need to keep the offset of a certain string in the output file, to put in a
cross reference at the end of the file. When I try to use the
BaseStream.Position property (long offset = BaseStream.Position
I allways
get 0. What should I use? Do I need to keep track of address myself? I need
equivalent of STL tellp().
Peyman Zehtab-Fard
I am using a StreamWriter object creaed with a FileStream. At some point I
need to keep the offset of a certain string in the output file, to put in a
cross reference at the end of the file. When I try to use the
BaseStream.Position property (long offset = BaseStream.Position

get 0. What should I use? Do I need to keep track of address myself? I need
equivalent of STL tellp().
Peyman Zehtab-Fard