I have an Access database that has a datatable and A form. In this form is a
listbox, using an SQL command I populate data out of the table into the
listbox (using a textbox and a combobox).
Now I would like to use the autocolumnwidth code to automaticially resize
the columns in the listbox.
Here is the website:
But I have a problem:
in the function "Private Function SetWidthColumn(strFieldName As String) As
Integer" I have to give a fiieldname but the problem is the listbox is
unbound. I use this code to fill it.
How can I apply this code on the listbox?
Thanks in advance.
I have an Access database that has a datatable and A form. In this form is a
listbox, using an SQL command I populate data out of the table into the
listbox (using a textbox and a combobox).
Now I would like to use the autocolumnwidth code to automaticially resize
the columns in the listbox.
Here is the website:
But I have a problem:
in the function "Private Function SetWidthColumn(strFieldName As String) As
Integer" I have to give a fiieldname but the problem is the listbox is
unbound. I use this code to fill it.
Public Sub GetData()
' This is a public sub that collects the right data. It uses SQL statements
to get its data.
On Error Resume Next
Dim StrSql As String 'SQL statement for the record source
sText = Trim(Me.TextSearchString.Text)
StrSql = "SELECT * FROM TblParts "
'Is there any text to test?
'If Not sText = "" And IsDelOrBack = False Then
StrSql = StrSql & "WHERE " & Me.ComboCategory.Column(1) & " Like
'" & "*" & sText & "*" & "*' ORDER BY " & Me.ComboFilteredBy.Column(1) & ";"
'Refresh the rowsource with the new SQL
Me.ListParts.RowSource = StrSql
'End If
'Requery the list box to show results
End Sub
How can I apply this code on the listbox?
Thanks in advance.