Hi Gator
A simple way to filter on month is to compare two dates formatted with year
and month only:
"Format([FieldInReport], 'yyyymm')=" & Format([FieldInForm], "\'yyyymm\'")
(note carefully all the single and double quotes!)
Another option is to compare Year and Month values:
"Year([FieldInReport])=" & Year([FieldInForm] _
& " and Month([FieldInReport])=" & Month([FieldInForm]
Both these will be quite slow if you have many records to filter because
they have to process every one of the date fields in your report's
If this is a problem, you can use the following tips to create a more
efficient filter string:
FirstDayOfMonth = DateSerial(Year(TheDate), Month(TheDate), 1)
LastDayOfMonth = DateSerial(Year(TheDate), Month(TheDate)+1, 0)
FirstDayOfNextMonth = DateSerial(Year(TheDate), Month(TheDate)+1, 1)
To check for a date being in a given month you can use either:
[DateField] Between FirstDayOfMonth and LastDayOfMonth
[DateField]>=FirstDayOfMonth and [DateField]<FirstDayOfNextMonth
The second one is more reliable if it's possible your date field might also
include a time value.
You could put all this together into a handy function:
Public Function SqlMonthFilter(strDateField As String, dt As Date) As String
Const cDateFormat = "\#yyyy-mm-dd\#"
SqlMonthFilter = "(" & strDateField & " >= " _
& Format(DateSerial(YEAR(dt), month(dt), 1), cDateFormat) _
& " and " & strDateField & " < " _
& Format(DateSerial(YEAR(dt), month(dt) + 1, 1), cDateFormat) _
& ")"
End Function
Then use the function directly to create the WHERE condition string for
DoCmd.OpenReport "ReportName', acPreview, , _
SqlMonthFilter("[FieldInReport]", [FieldInForm])
Good Luck
Graham Mandeno [Access MVP]
Auckland, New Zealand