I am using the following code in VBA to create a query
based on form comboboxes:
blSamples.System_id Where
strSQL = strSQL & " [System_id] like """ & Me!
[txtSystemID] & """"
strSQL = strSQL & " [GasFlow] like """ & Me![txtGasFlow]
& """" etc. with the default value in the form textboxes
set to * but if for example a record in the underlying
table does not have a GasFlow value it is not returned
even though it meets the criteria for System_id. Do I need
some code for Null values and if so how/where?
based on form comboboxes:
blSamples.System_id Where
strSQL = strSQL & " [System_id] like """ & Me!
[txtSystemID] & """"
strSQL = strSQL & " [GasFlow] like """ & Me![txtGasFlow]
& """" etc. with the default value in the form textboxes
set to * but if for example a record in the underlying
table does not have a GasFlow value it is not returned
even though it meets the criteria for System_id. Do I need
some code for Null values and if so how/where?