I'm building bonds coupon-payments cashflow. My DB has NextCouponPaymentDate
(NCPD), LastPrincipalPaymentDate (LPPD) and CouponFrequency (CF) (1,2 or 4
times a year) fields. The coupon is paid starting NCPD till LPPD annually,
semiannually or quarterly.
In order to get the job done I need to denormalize the data by querying
future coupon-payments dates for the next 10 years, which means a bond may
have 1 to 40 coupon-payments dates depending on its maturity length and
coupon frequency. Then would renormalize the dates' data with Union query.
My first query has the following fields:
IIf([LPPD]>=DateAdd("yyyy",1,[NCPD]),DateAdd("yyyy",1,[NCPD]),Null), [CF]=2,
IIf([LPPD]>=DateAdd("m",6,[NCPD]),DateAdd("m",6,[NCPD]),Null), [CF]=4,
IIf([LPPD]>=DateAdd("m",3,[NCPD]),DateAdd("m",3,[NCPD]),Null)) AS
IIf([LPPD]>=DateAdd("yyyy",2,[NCPD]),DateAdd("yyyy",2,[NCPD]),Null), [CF]=2,
IIf([LPPD]>=DateAdd("m",12,[NCPD]),DateAdd("m",12,[NCPD]),Null), [CF]=4,
IIf([LPPD]>=DateAdd("m",6,[NCPD]),DateAdd("m",6,[NCPD]),Null)) AS
and so on till NextCouponPaymentDate39 (wich, combined with the original
NCPD gives the required 40 dates).
The problem is that I get "Query too complex" error, which is avoided only
if I "circumsize" the query down to 24 expressions.
Can I make the query workaround for all the 39 expressions with SQL or maybe
using some self-customed VB-function (like CASE)?
(NCPD), LastPrincipalPaymentDate (LPPD) and CouponFrequency (CF) (1,2 or 4
times a year) fields. The coupon is paid starting NCPD till LPPD annually,
semiannually or quarterly.
In order to get the job done I need to denormalize the data by querying
future coupon-payments dates for the next 10 years, which means a bond may
have 1 to 40 coupon-payments dates depending on its maturity length and
coupon frequency. Then would renormalize the dates' data with Union query.
My first query has the following fields:
IIf([LPPD]>=DateAdd("yyyy",1,[NCPD]),DateAdd("yyyy",1,[NCPD]),Null), [CF]=2,
IIf([LPPD]>=DateAdd("m",6,[NCPD]),DateAdd("m",6,[NCPD]),Null), [CF]=4,
IIf([LPPD]>=DateAdd("m",3,[NCPD]),DateAdd("m",3,[NCPD]),Null)) AS
IIf([LPPD]>=DateAdd("yyyy",2,[NCPD]),DateAdd("yyyy",2,[NCPD]),Null), [CF]=2,
IIf([LPPD]>=DateAdd("m",12,[NCPD]),DateAdd("m",12,[NCPD]),Null), [CF]=4,
IIf([LPPD]>=DateAdd("m",6,[NCPD]),DateAdd("m",6,[NCPD]),Null)) AS
and so on till NextCouponPaymentDate39 (wich, combined with the original
NCPD gives the required 40 dates).
The problem is that I get "Query too complex" error, which is avoided only
if I "circumsize" the query down to 24 expressions.
Can I make the query workaround for all the 39 expressions with SQL or maybe
using some self-customed VB-function (like CASE)?