I have the following query:
SELECT [P682 Countsheet].Username, [P682 Countsheet].Task, [P682
Countsheet].Product, [P682 Countsheet].[Assign Date], [P682
Countsheet].[Description of Task], [P682 Countsheet].[Due Date], [P682
Countsheet].Status, ([Volume]-[Done]) AS Expr1, [Area to Task Query].Area
FROM [P682 Countsheet] INNER JOIN [Area to Task Query] ON [P682
Countsheet].Task = [Area to Task Query].[Task ]
WHERE ((([P682 Countsheet].Username)=[enter opid]) AND (([P682
I would like the query to ask for an OPID as i have set or if no OPID is
entered I would like it to pull all OPID's
Is this possible and if so How do i do this?
SELECT [P682 Countsheet].Username, [P682 Countsheet].Task, [P682
Countsheet].Product, [P682 Countsheet].[Assign Date], [P682
Countsheet].[Description of Task], [P682 Countsheet].[Due Date], [P682
Countsheet].Status, ([Volume]-[Done]) AS Expr1, [Area to Task Query].Area
FROM [P682 Countsheet] INNER JOIN [Area to Task Query] ON [P682
Countsheet].Task = [Area to Task Query].[Task ]
WHERE ((([P682 Countsheet].Username)=[enter opid]) AND (([P682
I would like the query to ask for an OPID as i have set or if no OPID is
entered I would like it to pull all OPID's
Is this possible and if so How do i do this?