=> Query to copy tbl1 split entries into tbl2

  • Thread starter Thread starter Rhonda Fischer
  • Start date Start date

Rhonda Fischer


I am trying to design a query that upon record INSERT
checks the number of pallets ordered
and ensures that no record has more than 26 pallets, as
this is the maximum that
will fit onto a trailer. Some how dividing 26 into the
number of pallets copying all lines with less
than 26 pallets into a new table and copying records with
over 26 pallets in quantities of 26 and
then the final last record of less than 26.

Before Trigger:

DeliveryID CollectionID TempID OrderDate Loads
2 3 3 30/03/2004 45
2 4 3 30/03/2004 27
2 5 3 30/03/2004 13

After Trigger: copied split entries of max 26 pallets to a
new table

Id DeliveryID CollectionID TempID OrderDate Loads
1 2 3 3 30/03/2004 26
2 2 3 3 30/03/2004 19
3 2 4 3 30/03/2004 26
4 2 4 3 30/03/2004 1
5 2 5 3 30/03/2004 13

I tried the follow query but have not got very far -
struggling. Hope you can help.

Thank you very much for any ideas you might have.

Best Regards

I tried to use the follow as a framework but it doesn't
work in it's current form and I haven't got very far
redesigning it.
CREATE TRIGGER trgLoadExceedTrlCapacity ON [tblOrders]
/* The purpose of this trigger is to ensure that no
entries have in excess of 26 pallet loads */
/* The Supermarket may order more than 26
loads of produce but the Trailer can only manage 26 loads
/* so extra lines are inserted into the new
table tblSplitOrders with a maximum of 26 loads */
/* and an extra line for the remaining pallets

DECLARE @NumOfLoads int,
@LoadsRemainder int,
@CountSplit int,
@Cnt int

/* Number of Loads from tblOrders saved to
variable */
@NumOfLoads = NumOfLoads
@LoadsRemainder = 0
@CountSplit = 0
@Cnt = 0

/* Determine if there are more than 26 loads */
@LoadsRemainder = @NumOfLoads / 26

if (@LoadsRemainder >= 1) then

while (@LoadsRemainder >= 1)
@NumOfLoads = @NumOfLoads - 26
@CountSplit = @CountSplit + 1
@LoadsRemainder = @NumOfLoads / 26

for @Cnt = 0 to (@CountSplit - 1)
INSERT INTO tblSplitOrders (DeliveryID, CollectionID,
TempID, OrderDate, NumOfLoads)
SELECT (DeliveryID, CollectionID, TempID, OrderDate, 26)
FROM tblOrders

INSERT INTO tblSplitOrders (DeliveryID, CollectionID,
TempID, OrderDate, NumOfLoads)
SELECT (DeliveryID, CollectionID, TempID, OrderDate,
@NumOfLoads) FROM tblOrders


INSERT INTO tblSplitOrders (DeliveryID, CollectionID,
TempID, OrderDate, NumOfLoads)
SELECT (DeliveryID, CollectionID, TempID, OrderDate,
@NumOfLoads) FROM tblOrders

end if

Rhonda said:

I am trying to design a query that upon record INSERT
checks the number of pallets ordered
and ensures that no record has more than 26 pallets, as
this is the maximum that
will fit onto a trailer. Some how dividing 26 into the
number of pallets copying all lines with less
than 26 pallets into a new table and copying records with
over 26 pallets in quantities of 26 and
then the final last record of less than 26.

Before Trigger:

DeliveryID CollectionID TempID OrderDate Loads
2 3 3 30/03/2004 45
2 4 3 30/03/2004 27
2 5 3 30/03/2004 13

After Trigger: copied split entries of max 26 pallets to a
new table

Id DeliveryID CollectionID TempID OrderDate Loads
1 2 3 3 30/03/2004 26
2 2 3 3 30/03/2004 19
3 2 4 3 30/03/2004 26
4 2 4 3 30/03/2004 1
5 2 5 3 30/03/2004 13

I tried the follow query but have not got very far -
struggling. Hope you can help.

Thank you very much for any ideas you might have.

Best Regards

I tried to use the follow as a framework but it doesn't
work in it's current form and I haven't got very far
redesigning it.
CREATE TRIGGER trgLoadExceedTrlCapacity ON [tblOrders]
/* The purpose of this trigger is to ensure that no
entries have in excess of 26 pallet loads */
/* The Supermarket may order more than 26
loads of produce but the Trailer can only manage 26 loads
/* so extra lines are inserted into the new
table tblSplitOrders with a maximum of 26 loads */
/* and an extra line for the remaining pallets

DECLARE @NumOfLoads int,
@LoadsRemainder int,
@CountSplit int,
@Cnt int

/* Number of Loads from tblOrders saved to
variable */
@NumOfLoads = NumOfLoads
@LoadsRemainder = 0
@CountSplit = 0
@Cnt = 0

/* Determine if there are more than 26 loads */
@LoadsRemainder = @NumOfLoads / 26

if (@LoadsRemainder >= 1) then

while (@LoadsRemainder >= 1)
@NumOfLoads = @NumOfLoads - 26
@CountSplit = @CountSplit + 1
@LoadsRemainder = @NumOfLoads / 26

for @Cnt = 0 to (@CountSplit - 1)
INSERT INTO tblSplitOrders (DeliveryID, CollectionID,
TempID, OrderDate, NumOfLoads)
SELECT (DeliveryID, CollectionID, TempID, OrderDate, 26)
FROM tblOrders

INSERT INTO tblSplitOrders (DeliveryID, CollectionID,
TempID, OrderDate, NumOfLoads)
SELECT (DeliveryID, CollectionID, TempID, OrderDate,
@NumOfLoads) FROM tblOrders


INSERT INTO tblSplitOrders (DeliveryID, CollectionID,
TempID, OrderDate, NumOfLoads)
SELECT (DeliveryID, CollectionID, TempID, OrderDate,
@NumOfLoads) FROM tblOrders

end if


Instead of using a Trigger, it may be better to create a stored
procedure (SP) to accomplish the same thing.

From reading your trigger definition it appears that you need to read &
understand the Books on Line (BOL) article on CREATE TRIGGER (I
recommend CREATE PROCEDURE also).

E.g.: This trigger should only be on INSERT, UPDATE and not on DELETE.
The DELETE trigger should be a separate trigger, since it would be
deleting data not appending (INSERT INTO).

An UPDATE trigger would need to use "inserted" and "deleted" table
references. E.g., this:

@NumOfLoads = NumOfLoads

would be this:

@NumOfLoads = inserted.NumOfLoads

There is no FOR...NEXT control structure in T-SQL; you'd use a WHILE
loop instead, or possible a CURSOR & a WHILE loop.

The SQL Books On Line can be obtained here:


Thank you MGFoster for your reference to the SQL Books
On Line, that was very helpful. I am now using a cursor
with a while loop. It is partially working however seems
to have recursive behaviour that means the output is

INSERT INTO tblOrders (DeliveryID, CollectionID, TempID,
OrderDate, NumOfLoads)
VALUES ( 8, 8, 3, '2004-04-13', 5)
INSERT INTO tblOrders (DeliveryID, CollectionID, TempID,
OrderDate, NumOfLoads)
VALUES ( 9, 8, 3, '2004-04-13', 9)
INSERT INTO tblOrders (DeliveryID, CollectionID, TempID,
OrderDate, NumOfLoads)
VALUES ( 10, 8, 3, '2004-04-13', 18)

Outputs the following trace statements according to my
print comments in the Trigger:

Load values of first record into local variables
Enter Cursor
Enters LineSplit = 0

(1 row(s) affected)

Loop to next record in the cursor
Close the Cursor

(1 row(s) affected)

Load values of first record into local variables
Enter Cursor
Enters LineSplit = 0

(1 row(s) affected)

Loop to next record in the cursor
Enter Cursor
Enters LineSplit = 0

(1 row(s) affected)

Loop to next record in the cursor
Close the Cursor

(1 row(s) affected)

Load values of first record into local variables
Enter Cursor
Enters LineSplit = 0

(1 row(s) affected)

Loop to next record in the cursor
Enter Cursor
Enters LineSplit = 0

(1 row(s) affected)

Loop to next record in the cursor
Enter Cursor
Enters LineSplit = 0

(1 row(s) affected)

Loop to next record in the cursor
Close the Cursor

(1 row(s) affected)
And produces the following entries in the tblSplitOrders
table. One entry whether less than or greater than
the maximum 26 loads is correctly copied into this table
as soon as more than one entry is inserted problems occur?

DeliveryID CollectionID TempID OrderDate Loads
8 8 3 13/04/2004 5
8 8 3 13/04/2004 5
9 8 3 13/04/2004 9
8 8 3 13/04/2004 5
9 8 3 13/04/2004 9
10 8 3 13/04/2004 18
This is the trigger that I am using. It successfully
splits loads greater than 26 into multiples of 26 with the
remaining load. It just doesn't handle more than one
insert effectively. It seems to load the first entry in
the cursor twice... Do you have any ideas where I have
gone wrong, your suggestions are most appreciated.

Thank you kindly

Best Regards

CREATE TRIGGER trgLoadExceedTrlCapacity ON [tblOrders]
/* The purpose of this trigger is to ensure that
no entries have in excess of 26 pallet loads */
/* The Supermarket may order more than 26
loads of produce but the Trailer can only manage 26 loads
/* so extra lines are inserted into the new
table tblSplitOrders with a maximum of 26 loads */

Declare @intDeliveryID int, @intCollectionID int,
@intTempID int, @dteOrderDate datetime,
@intNumOfLoads int, @intLineSplit int,
@intLoadsRemainder int, @intMaxLoads int,
@LoadExcessCursor Cursor

Set @intMaxLoads = 26

Set @LoadExcessCursor = Cursor For
Select DeliveryID, CollectionID, TempID,
OrderDate, NumOfLoads,
(NumOfLoads/@intMaxLoads, 0) as int) as LineSplit,
NumOfLoads - (cast(round
(NumOfLoads/@intMaxLoads, 0) as int) * @intMaxLoads) as
From tblOrders

Open @LoadExcessCursor

/*Load values of first record into local variables
print 'Load values of first record into local
Fetch Next From @LoadExcessCursor
Into @intDeliveryID, @intCollectionID, @intTempID,
@dteOrderDate, @intNumOfLoads, @intLineSplit,

While (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0)
print 'Enter Cursor'
if @intLineSplit = 0
print 'Enters LineSplit = 0'
/* NumOfLoads between 0-26 insert
without splitting order lines*/
INSERT INTO tblSplitOrders
(DeliveryID, CollectionID, TempID, OrderDate, NumOfLoads)
VALUES ( @intDeliveryID,
@intCollectionID, @intTempID, @dteOrderDate,
if @intLineSplit > 0
print 'Enters LineSplit >0'
/* NumOfLoads greater than 26 -
Split Loads to have a maximum of 26 Loads per record */
/* loop to Insert split loads */
While @intLineSplit >= 1
print 'Split load by
multiples of 26 - loop and insert here'
tblSplitOrders (DeliveryID, CollectionID, TempID,
OrderDate, NumOfLoads)
VALUES ( @intDeliveryID,
@intCollectionID, @intTempID, @dteOrderDate, @intMaxLoads)

Set @intLineSplit =
@intLineSplit - 1
/* insert last entry with
NumOfLoads equal to LoadsRemainder */
print 'Insert Loads Remainder'
INSERT INTO tblSplitOrders
(DeliveryID, CollectionID, TempID, OrderDate, NumOfLoads)
VALUES ( @intDeliveryID,
@intCollectionID, @intTempID, @dteOrderDate,
print 'Loop to next record in the cursor'
Fetch Next From @LoadExcessCursor
Into @intDeliveryID, @intCollectionID,
@intTempID, @dteOrderDate, @intNumOfLoads, @intLineSplit,

print 'Close the Cursor'
Close @LoadExcessCursor
Deallocate @LoadExcessCursor