Query slow after corruption repair

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I have an Access 97 fe/be database where the be data had a corruption. I
successfully repaired with Access and JetCompact but ever since there is one
fe report in particular that takes about 20 seconds to run compared to about
1 second before. Nothing has changed in the front end.

It is very predictable. I have a pre-corruption file and a current file and
from the front-end I can try to print the same transaction out of both data
files and the current one always takes much longer.

I've tried many things like
-compacting (w/ Access, JetCompact, & ODBC Data Source Administrator)
-repairing (w/ Access, & ODBC Data Source Administrator)
-importing tables into new db
-decompiling (there's no code in the db, though)
-converting to 2003 and back down to 97
-deleting and recreating relationships
-compare indexes to those of the old (fast) db.

Any ideas what might be wrong or what I may be missing?

Thanks for your reply Peiter.

Does this mean there is nothing to do about it? It still seems quite strange
to me since the query is in the front-end and this same query runs fast or
slow depending which back-end it's linked to.

Any further thoughts are appreciated.

Should have read more closely.
You probably lost an index in the repair process

Check all the indexes on the repaired backend. If they are all there, you
might try dropping all the indexes, compacting, and then re-establishing all
the indexes.

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007
Center for Health Program Development and Management
University of Maryland Baltimore County
Thanks for the replies Pieter and John.

I'll check out the indexes again and let you know how I make out.

Looks like the indexes are OK, but I'll keep checking.

Here's a clarification. I "thought" that the fe query ran fast or slow with
the old or new data file respectively, but that by itself seems to be quite
comparable. Specifically it is when I open the report. If I break through I
code, directly after the "On Open" event and before the "On Activate" event,
there is a 20 sec delay for one data file while the other is basically

I thought the report is loading its recordsource at this time, but possibly
there's something else going on too.

Any ideas?
Thanks in advance for you help.

Hello again,

Just wondering if anyone can help with this issue. The strange thing is the
delay between the On Open event and the On Activate event. What does Access
do between these 2 events?

The same report acts differently based on which data file it's attached to.
