C Clay Forbes Aug 9, 2004 #1 I need a query that will select records from a table if the To date is between june and august. What should i put under criteria?
I need a query that will select records from a table if the To date is between june and august. What should i put under criteria?
J John Spencer (MVP) Aug 9, 2004 #2 Of the current year (2004)? BETWEEN #6/1/2004# and #8/31/2004# Of all years in the table? Then you would need a calculated field and apply criteria against that calculated field. Field: MonthNum Month([Yourtable].[YourDatefield]) Criteria: In (6,7,8) SQL SELECT * FROM Table WHERE Month(DateField) in (6,7,8)
Of the current year (2004)? BETWEEN #6/1/2004# and #8/31/2004# Of all years in the table? Then you would need a calculated field and apply criteria against that calculated field. Field: MonthNum Month([Yourtable].[YourDatefield]) Criteria: In (6,7,8) SQL SELECT * FROM Table WHERE Month(DateField) in (6,7,8)