Query / Report Problem.

  • Thread starter Thread starter BobC
  • Start date Start date


I don't know if the problem is with the query or the report ???

I am new at this, so if you can help, please explain with lots of detail.

I'm using: WIN98(SE) and Access 2000.
The database (MAHC.mdb) has several tables, but I am at the moment only
trying to bind information from one of the tables (MASTER) to a report
using a query.
I have create the basic report in 'Design View'.
I designed the query using the 'wizard'.
In the query (AUTO), I am only using two of the fields (COVERAGE and
COVERAGE is a 'text' field and CURRES is a 'number' field.
I want to sum all records in 'MASTER' table who's COVERAGE field is "LIAB".

The structure of the query is as follows:
Total: Sum Expression
Show 'checked' 'not checked'
Criteria "AUTOLIAB"

When I run the query, I get

500 is the correct sum of all the 'CURRES' fields corresponding the
COVERAGE fields that contain "AUTOLIAB'.

In the Report (SUMMARY) I placed a 'text box (Text Box 49)'.
In properties of Text Box 49, I chose the "Data' tap and clicked on
'...' to get the expression builder.
In the Expression Builder, first double-clicked on the query (AUTO)I
then got: 'Total' in the center window and '<value>' in the right window.
I double-clicked on 'value' and got '[AutoLiab-Current Reserves]![Total]
' in the Window.

Now is get: (under the 'data' tab)
Control Source: =[AutoLiab-Current Reserves]![Total]
Input Mask
Running sum: no

When I preview my report, I get "#Name?" in Text Box 49 instead of the
desired answer of "500".

Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?

I made some changes to my original messageformatting to hopefully make
it more readable.
I am new at this, so if you can help, please explain with lots of detail.

I'm using: WIN98(SE) and Access 2000. The database (MAHC.mdb) has
several tables, but I am at the moment only trying to bind information
from one of the tables (MASTER) to a report using a query.
I have create the basic report in 'Design View'.
I designed the query using the 'wizard'.
In the query (AUTO), I am only using two of the fields (COVERAGE and
COVERAGE is a 'text' field and CURRES is a 'number' field.
I want to sum all records in 'MASTER' table who's COVERAGE field is

The structure of the query is as follows:
Total: Sum Expression
Sort: (blank) (blank)
Show (checked) (not checked)
Criteria "AUTOLIAB"
When I run the query, I get

500 is the correct sum of all the 'CURRES' fields corresponding the
COVERAGE fields that contain "AUTOLIAB'.

In the Report (SUMMARY) I placed a 'text box (Text Box 49)'.
In properties of Text Box 49, I chose the "Data' tap and clicked on
'...' to get the expression builder.
In the Expression Builder, first double-clicked on the query (AUTO)

I double-clicked on 'value' and got '[AutoLiab-Current
Reserves]![Total] ' in the query window.

Under the 'data' tab of properties, I now get:

Control Source: =[AutoLiab-Current Reserves]![Total]
Input Mask
Running sum: no

#Name is Access' way of saying "I don't recognize the name of the source
field to which you are referring.

Sometimes it can be as simple as a spelling error (caused by re-entering,
rather than copy/paste).

Sometimes is can be due to a change in an underlying query that changes the
name of an output field that a report needs.

Try these first.

Good Luck

Jeff Boyce
<Access MVP>