I am trying to do a last name first name search for
patients using an SQL query for the recordset. On the
search form I want any part of the last name and any part
of the first name. From there I want to trim the text
entered and then do the search. This is where I am
stuck. It will not bring up what I want. I have tried
using single quotes and double quotes and the string looks
fine as far as query language goes. Any suggestions?
Set cn = CurrentProject.Connection
Set rs = New Recordset
strSQL = "SELECT tPt.fPtLastName, tPt.fPtFirstName
FROM tPt " & _
"WHERE (((tPt.fPtLastName)LIKE '*' & " & Trim(Me!
txtLastName) & " & '*')" & _
" AND ((tPt.fPtFirstName) LIKE '*' & " & Trim(Me!
txtFirstName) & " & '*'))"
rs.Open strSQL, cn, adOpenStatic
MsgBox rs!fPtLastName & ", " & rs!fPtFirstName
patients using an SQL query for the recordset. On the
search form I want any part of the last name and any part
of the first name. From there I want to trim the text
entered and then do the search. This is where I am
stuck. It will not bring up what I want. I have tried
using single quotes and double quotes and the string looks
fine as far as query language goes. Any suggestions?
Set cn = CurrentProject.Connection
Set rs = New Recordset
strSQL = "SELECT tPt.fPtLastName, tPt.fPtFirstName
FROM tPt " & _
"WHERE (((tPt.fPtLastName)LIKE '*' & " & Trim(Me!
txtLastName) & " & '*')" & _
" AND ((tPt.fPtFirstName) LIKE '*' & " & Trim(Me!
txtFirstName) & " & '*'))"
rs.Open strSQL, cn, adOpenStatic
MsgBox rs!fPtLastName & ", " & rs!fPtFirstName