I know it's supposed to do that, but is there any way
around the 255 character limit for a field that
concatenates several text fields and a date field with
some extra text thrown in?
I'm assembling a "sentence" of html to attach to the front
of an html document that becomes an email later, and it
works beautifully as long as the "sentence" doesn't exceed
255 characters. Unfortunately, it often does, and it's
only going to get worse as the users figure out a billion
other uses they can put this to... The field goes like
NoteText: "Thank you for your inquiry" & (IIf([Inquiry
Short] Is Null,Null," about " & [Inquiry Short])) & " on "
& [DateOfInquiry] & " to the Helpline. </p> Name: " &
[Fullname] & "<br> Organization: " & [Organization]
& "<br> Date of Inquiry: " & [DateOfInquiry] & "</p>"
and the query is just a simple select query based on
another query that picks out who needs to be sent to for
each type of caller they have. I'm actually doing this
from a bit of code, not the query grid, but I switched it
over to play with... I know how to do it with a temporary
table, but if there were a way to do it in a regular
select query that would be perfect. Any ideas?
around the 255 character limit for a field that
concatenates several text fields and a date field with
some extra text thrown in?
I'm assembling a "sentence" of html to attach to the front
of an html document that becomes an email later, and it
works beautifully as long as the "sentence" doesn't exceed
255 characters. Unfortunately, it often does, and it's
only going to get worse as the users figure out a billion
other uses they can put this to... The field goes like
NoteText: "Thank you for your inquiry" & (IIf([Inquiry
Short] Is Null,Null," about " & [Inquiry Short])) & " on "
& [DateOfInquiry] & " to the Helpline. </p> Name: " &
[Fullname] & "<br> Organization: " & [Organization]
& "<br> Date of Inquiry: " & [DateOfInquiry] & "</p>"
and the query is just a simple select query based on
another query that picks out who needs to be sent to for
each type of caller they have. I'm actually doing this
from a bit of code, not the query grid, but I switched it
over to play with... I know how to do it with a temporary
table, but if there were a way to do it in a regular
select query that would be perfect. Any ideas?