I have a query.
For certain applications in Windows XP, when fired to printer , some
characters are getting wrongly scaled. But the prn seems to be proper.
The problem is found only when directly fired to the printer..
On debugging it could be found that the Wrong Character Scale
obtained is due to the incorrect value obtained for pdev-
application is print to file.
But on directly printing to the printer the value of eM11 is getting
changed to 0.059503075 and eM22 is same as 0.018880861 ..For scaling
calculation , the xscale (Horizontal Character Scale) is obtained by
dividing eM11 by eM22..As the value obtained for eM11 is incorrect
when fired to printer, the horizontal scale of the character obtained
is wrong..
The transforms, including pdev->cgs.FontXForm.eM11, is obtained by
using the function XFORMOBJ_iGetXForm() ..
Do u have any suggestion to resolve this problem?
I have a query.
For certain applications in Windows XP, when fired to printer , some
characters are getting wrongly scaled. But the prn seems to be proper.
The problem is found only when directly fired to the printer..
On debugging it could be found that the Wrong Character Scale
obtained is due to the incorrect value obtained for pdev-
ideally be 0.018880861 for eM11 and eM22 which is obtained when thecgs.FontXForm.eM11 when directly fired to printer...The value should
application is print to file.
But on directly printing to the printer the value of eM11 is getting
changed to 0.059503075 and eM22 is same as 0.018880861 ..For scaling
calculation , the xscale (Horizontal Character Scale) is obtained by
dividing eM11 by eM22..As the value obtained for eM11 is incorrect
when fired to printer, the horizontal scale of the character obtained
is wrong..
The transforms, including pdev->cgs.FontXForm.eM11, is obtained by
using the function XFORMOBJ_iGetXForm() ..
Do u have any suggestion to resolve this problem?