Ugis Sulcs
How do I create the query to select the data from table for given time
interval (results from every day records between 13:00 and 14:00).
Field Format: Date/Time field- dd.mm.yyyy. hh:mm:ss
Records: 01.04.2001. 10:57:01;
15.05.2001. 13:48:22;
15.05.2001. 12:05:00
18.03.2002. 13:30:25
Results: I should select the results "date whatever" and time in the
interval <=13:00:00 and >=14:00:00, i.e.
15.05.2001. 13:48:22 and 18.03.2002. 13:30:25
interval (results from every day records between 13:00 and 14:00).
Field Format: Date/Time field- dd.mm.yyyy. hh:mm:ss
Records: 01.04.2001. 10:57:01;
15.05.2001. 13:48:22;
15.05.2001. 12:05:00
18.03.2002. 13:30:25
Results: I should select the results "date whatever" and time in the
interval <=13:00:00 and >=14:00:00, i.e.
15.05.2001. 13:48:22 and 18.03.2002. 13:30:25