If you 2 queries are finding the correct info them your union should look
like this.
1, METER01, 3/30/03, 500
2, METER01, 4/30/03, 800
3, METER02, 3/30/03, 200
4, METER03, 4/30/03 700
Select [MeterNum], [Read] as Read1, 0 as Read2 from Query1
Union Select [MeterNum], 0 as Read1, [Read] as Read2 from Query2;
Then a query grouped by MeterNum, Max of Read1, and Max of Read2 will
produce a table like
MeterNum Read1 Read2
METER01 500 800
METER02 200
METER03 700
Just add another field to this query to calculate the difference of Read1
and Read2. How are you handling these situations when one of the numbers is
missing? You might want to rethink you logic and instead of picking the
data by a date, you should look for the last 2 readings, regardless of time,
and find the difference.
Jim said:
I tried the union query, but I can't get it to seperate and calculate like
I need it to. The database is laid out like this:
The date field will hold the last day of the month. The read field will
hold the numbers I am trying to calculate. So if I search for a date of
03/31/03 and 04/30/03, it will return the correspoding Read fields. I then
calculate the difference. Again, the problem is where there is no MeterNum
in a month prior to the ending date I'm searching. It will not retrieve the
data to calculate if, for example, there is no MeterNum in 03/31/03, but one
exists in 04/30/03.