Back again for more punishment...
I have my database set and am building queries to generate some totals.
I have three tables which are related,
[Rep07] contains all report data, is related to [IndicentResponders] by
Number(primary key) of [Rep07] linked to IncidentID of [IncidentResponders}
[IncidentResponders] contains the list for each incident of the personnel
who responded and is also related to [Employees] by EmployeeID of
[IncidentResponders] linked to [EmployeeID](primary key) of [Employees]
[Employees] contains data on all employees.
What I am trying to get as a result is total time spent.
What I am using is Elapsed Time and Number of Responders.
My query has fields that calculate the elapsed time [Time]and number of
responders [Responders] both show as a numeric value. Elapsed time shows in
# of seconds and is calculated from two database fields [TimeOut]and [TimeIn]
from a Table named [Rep07]. Responders shows the # of responders and is
calculated on the Count of the field Responders in a subform table titled
Syntax of Time field is:
Time: IIf(DateDiff("n",[DISPATCH],[TIME IN])>0,DateDiff("n",[DISPATCH],[TIME
IN]),DateDiff("n",[DISPATCH],[TIME IN])+1440), from the [Rep07] table.
Responders is [EmployeeName], (from the [IncidentResponders] table,with the
Total parameter set as Count.
I've tried adding a new field:
TotalTime: [Time]*[Responders] and set the fields Total value to Sum. The
code brings no result.
How do I accomplish this calculation?
Back again for more punishment...
I have my database set and am building queries to generate some totals.
I have three tables which are related,
[Rep07] contains all report data, is related to [IndicentResponders] by
Number(primary key) of [Rep07] linked to IncidentID of [IncidentResponders}
[IncidentResponders] contains the list for each incident of the personnel
who responded and is also related to [Employees] by EmployeeID of
[IncidentResponders] linked to [EmployeeID](primary key) of [Employees]
[Employees] contains data on all employees.
What I am trying to get as a result is total time spent.
What I am using is Elapsed Time and Number of Responders.
My query has fields that calculate the elapsed time [Time]and number of
responders [Responders] both show as a numeric value. Elapsed time shows in
# of seconds and is calculated from two database fields [TimeOut]and [TimeIn]
from a Table named [Rep07]. Responders shows the # of responders and is
calculated on the Count of the field Responders in a subform table titled
Syntax of Time field is:
Time: IIf(DateDiff("n",[DISPATCH],[TIME IN])>0,DateDiff("n",[DISPATCH],[TIME
IN]),DateDiff("n",[DISPATCH],[TIME IN])+1440), from the [Rep07] table.
Responders is [EmployeeName], (from the [IncidentResponders] table,with the
Total parameter set as Count.
I've tried adding a new field:
TotalTime: [Time]*[Responders] and set the fields Total value to Sum. The
code brings no result.
How do I accomplish this calculation?