I am querying a 2008 Simply Accounting mysql database with Access. I want to
build a simple monthly query arranged by account number showing the sum of
all transactions on each account for a particular month.
My problem is that the only query I can come up with leaves out accounts
that are not null but have no transactions in that month.
Here is an example:
SELECT [taccount.lId]/10000 AS [Account #], taccount.sName AS [Account
Name], Sum(Nz([dAmount],0)) AS December
FROM (taccount LEFT JOIN tjentact ON taccount.lId = tjentact.lAcctId) LEFT
JOIN tjourent ON tjentact.lJEntId = tjourent.lId
WHERE (((tjourent.dtJourDate)>=#12/1/2008# And
(tjourent.dtJourDate)<=#12/31/2008#)) OR (((tjourent.dtJourDate) Is Null))
GROUP BY [taccount.lId]/10000, taccount.sName;
I know my issue is that the WHERE clause is excluding accounts that have no
transactions, but I can't figure out how to get around this. Also might have
an issue with my joins. My intention is to import a monthly summary into
Excel to use to build reports/etc.
build a simple monthly query arranged by account number showing the sum of
all transactions on each account for a particular month.
My problem is that the only query I can come up with leaves out accounts
that are not null but have no transactions in that month.
Here is an example:
SELECT [taccount.lId]/10000 AS [Account #], taccount.sName AS [Account
Name], Sum(Nz([dAmount],0)) AS December
FROM (taccount LEFT JOIN tjentact ON taccount.lId = tjentact.lAcctId) LEFT
JOIN tjourent ON tjentact.lJEntId = tjourent.lId
WHERE (((tjourent.dtJourDate)>=#12/1/2008# And
(tjourent.dtJourDate)<=#12/31/2008#)) OR (((tjourent.dtJourDate) Is Null))
GROUP BY [taccount.lId]/10000, taccount.sName;
I know my issue is that the WHERE clause is excluding accounts that have no
transactions, but I can't figure out how to get around this. Also might have
an issue with my joins. My intention is to import a monthly summary into
Excel to use to build reports/etc.