Many ways, but generally we do not do that. At most, we bring the
data in a recordset and use the recordset, but if you want the data "in a
variable", someone can use GetRows() or, for ADO recordsets, GetString:
Dim x() As Variant
x= CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM someTable WHERE
x is then a table (matrix) where the fields are now lines and the records,
columns (ie, the data is "transposed"). You use two indices to reach an
Debug.Print x(0, 0 )
ADO allows the same
x=CurrentProject.Connection.Execute("SELECT * FROM table1").GetRows
and also allow a not-transposed representation, in text:
? CurrentProject.Connection.Execute("SELECT * FROM
If you want just a single value (just one field), you can use DLookup.
Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP