I need some help from you the experts: I am having an issue with my access
query... I have a parameter asking for a start and end date (see below) when
I enter one date 2/14/2010 thru 2/14/2010 it shows the record but, if I enter
a range 02/14/2010 - 3/28/2010, I seem to get everything that starts with a 2
or 3.. HELP????
SELECT PatientInformation.MedicalRecordNumber, ([PatientLastName] & ", " &
[PatientFirstName]) AS [Patient Name], PatientInformation.PatientPhoneNumber,
PatInfo.Comments, PatInfo.DateOfVisit, PatInfo.DXDescription,
PatInfo.Physician, PatInfo.DueToFollowUp, FollowUp.FollowUpdays,
([DateOfVisit]+[FollowUpdays]) AS [Next F/U]
FROM PatientInformation INNER JOIN (PatInfo INNER JOIN FollowUp ON
PatInfo.DueToFollowUp = FollowUp.FollowUp) ON
PatientInformation.MedicalRecordNumber = PatInfo.MedicalRecordNumber
WHERE (((([DateOfVisit]+[FollowUpdays])) Between [start date] And [end date]))
ORDER BY ([DateOfVisit]+[FollowUpdays]);
query... I have a parameter asking for a start and end date (see below) when
I enter one date 2/14/2010 thru 2/14/2010 it shows the record but, if I enter
a range 02/14/2010 - 3/28/2010, I seem to get everything that starts with a 2
or 3.. HELP????
SELECT PatientInformation.MedicalRecordNumber, ([PatientLastName] & ", " &
[PatientFirstName]) AS [Patient Name], PatientInformation.PatientPhoneNumber,
PatInfo.Comments, PatInfo.DateOfVisit, PatInfo.DXDescription,
PatInfo.Physician, PatInfo.DueToFollowUp, FollowUp.FollowUpdays,
([DateOfVisit]+[FollowUpdays]) AS [Next F/U]
FROM PatientInformation INNER JOIN (PatInfo INNER JOIN FollowUp ON
PatInfo.DueToFollowUp = FollowUp.FollowUp) ON
PatientInformation.MedicalRecordNumber = PatInfo.MedicalRecordNumber
WHERE (((([DateOfVisit]+[FollowUpdays])) Between [start date] And [end date]))
ORDER BY ([DateOfVisit]+[FollowUpdays]);