Query Help!




I have the following issue. My goal is to see how many hours are
available on a given date before a vacation request is approved. So if we
have 50 hours on the budget for 1/1/2005 and an employee requests 8 hours
vacation, I would like to see available for 1/1/2005 42 hours before the next
request is approved for another employee.

I have 1 table [Beudget Hours] that stores all budgeted hours by day for
2005 and 1 table [Vacation Hours] that is populated by a form that holds the
employee's request by day along with the hours requested.

I have a relationship between both tables that link the date but I get the
following error when I try to run a query: "Wizard is unable to open query in
Datasheet view, possible because another user has a source table open in
exclusive mode."

Please Help! Thanks in advance!

[MVP] S.Clark

If the table is not really open, then it may be corruption. Repair and
compact, or rebuild the query from scratch.(Copy and Paste the SQL text to a
new querydef.)

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