Jay Jones
I have tried to do the following several ways with no
luck, any suggestions?
I would like to calculate proportioned revenue for
equipment that is used on jobs(tickets).
I have a table (tblTickets) that contains [Ticket #] and
Another table (tblTicketsTestEQ) that contains a record
for each equipment used on the ticket designated by a
luck, any suggestions?
I would like to calculate proportioned revenue for
equipment that is used on jobs(tickets).
I have a table (tblTickets) that contains [Ticket #] and
Another table (tblTicketsTestEQ) that contains a record
for each equipment used on the ticket designated by a
. The table is one(tblTickets)-to-many
(tblTicketsTestEQ) related to tblTickets by [Ticket #].
First I calculate the prorated amount based on
amount/count([Code]) with the following statement saved
as qryAvgRevPerEQ:
SELECT tblTickets.[TICKET #], Avg(tblTickets.AMOUNT)/Count
(tblTicketTestEQ.CODE) AS AvgRevPerEQ, Count
(tblTicketTestEQ.CODE) AS CountOfCODE
FROM tblTickets INNER JOIN tblTicketTestEQ ON tblTickets.
[TICKET #] = tblTicketTestEQ.[TICKET #]
WHERE (((tblTickets.[DATE OUT]) Between #10/9/2002# And
GROUP BY tblTickets.[TICKET #];
This gives me a list of all tickets and a prorated amount
for that ticket. This works fine.
Next I want to sum these averages grouped by Code. By
SELECT tblTicketTestEQ.CODE, Sum
(qryAvgRevPerEQ.AvgRevPerEQ) AS SumOfAvgRevPerEQ
FROM qryAvgRevPerEQ, tblTicketTestEQ
GROUP BY tblTicketTestEQ.CODE;
When this is run I get a division by zero error.
Is there a better way to do this? Basically I want to
find an average amount for a ticket based on how many
pieces of equipment was used. Then sum these amounts
grouped by Code. Please help?