Query from form!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jill
  • Start date Start date



This seems like its not to hard to answer; however, i am
having trouble finding someone to help me.

I have a form that takes a keyword and a field and
creates a report on it.

But i would also like a button that acts like a query so
that it generates a table with the results that match the
keyword in the selected field. This "appears" easy with
the keyword only being chosen from one field, but the
user can also select the field as well, and i am not good
enough at access to figure out how to write it so it

Any help is appreciated,

Hi Jill,
Okay, let's say your saved query looks like this:

Select field1, field2, field3 From yourTable

and it's called yourQuery

Now let's say the controls on your form are called:
txtField and txtKeyword

Now this code goes in the click event of your cmd button:
**air code**

Dim db As Database
Dim qdf As QueryDef
Dim strSql As String

Set db = CurrentDb()
Set qdf = db.QueryDefs("yourQuery")
strSql = "Select field1, field2, field3 From yourTable " & _
"Where " & Me.txtField & " Like '*" & _
Me.txtKeyword & "*'"
'you might want to view the above to make sure
'it's syntax is correct
MsgBox strSql
qdf.SQL = strSql
'now the query that your report is
'based on has the chosen criteria
Set qdf = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
Hi Jill,
What I need to see is the evaluated string. The MsgBox line in
my original code will show you that.
Post it and we'll go from there.

Dan Artuso, Access MVP

Jill said:
Actually ive gotten it to this, when i use it without the
LIKE and have to enter the field exactly, it works, but
when i use the LIKE, it doenst, it opens a box for
parameter value then causes error, this is what i have
for one of my cases, i cant see why its doing this:

strsq2 = "[Project Title] Like ""*" &
Me.txtWot2Find & "*"""
strSq1 = "SELECT [Table 1: DC Main].[Project
No], [Table 1: DC Main].Company, [Table 1: DC Main].
[Project Title], [Table 1: DC Main].[DC Drawing No],
[Table 1: DC Main].Revision, [Table 1: DC Main].[Drawing
Title], [Table 1: DC Main].[Box No], [Table 1: DC Main].
[CD No] FROM [Table 1: DC Main]" _
& " WHERE " & strsq2

DoCmd.OpenQuery "FQ", acViewNormal, acReadOnly

qdf.SQL = strSq1
Set qdf = Nothing
Set db = Nothing

it all fits on one line (that big part) so nothing wrong

-----Original Message-----
Hi Jill,
Okay, let's say your saved query looks like this:

Select field1, field2, field3 From yourTable

and it's called yourQuery

Now let's say the controls on your form are called:
txtField and txtKeyword

Now this code goes in the click event of your cmd button:
**air code**

Dim db As Database
Dim qdf As QueryDef
Dim strSql As String

Set db = CurrentDb()
Set qdf = db.QueryDefs("yourQuery")
strSql = "Select field1, field2, field3 From yourTable " & _
"Where " & Me.txtField & " Like '*" & _
Me.txtKeyword & "*'"
'you might want to view the above to make sure
'it's syntax is correct
MsgBox strSql
qdf.SQL = strSql
'now the query that your report is
'based on has the chosen criteria
Set qdf = Nothing
Set db = Nothing

Dan Artuso, Access MVP

I figured it out,thanks so much!
-----Original Message-----
Hi Jill,
What I need to see is the evaluated string. The MsgBox line in
my original code will show you that.
Post it and we'll go from there.

Dan Artuso, Access MVP

Actually ive gotten it to this, when i use it without the
LIKE and have to enter the field exactly, it works, but
when i use the LIKE, it doenst, it opens a box for
parameter value then causes error, this is what i have
for one of my cases, i cant see why its doing this:

strsq2 = "[Project Title] Like ""*" &
Me.txtWot2Find & "*"""
strSq1 = "SELECT [Table 1: DC Main]. [Project
No], [Table 1: DC Main].Company, [Table 1: DC Main].
[Project Title], [Table 1: DC Main].[DC Drawing No],
[Table 1: DC Main].Revision, [Table 1: DC Main]. [Drawing
Title], [Table 1: DC Main].[Box No], [Table 1: DC Main].
[CD No] FROM [Table 1: DC Main]" _
& " WHERE " & strsq2

DoCmd.OpenQuery "FQ", acViewNormal, acReadOnly

qdf.SQL = strSq1
Set qdf = Nothing
Set db = Nothing

it all fits on one line (that big part) so nothing wrong

-----Original Message-----
Hi Jill,
Okay, let's say your saved query looks like this:

Select field1, field2, field3 From yourTable

and it's called yourQuery

Now let's say the controls on your form are called:
txtField and txtKeyword

Now this code goes in the click event of your cmd button:
**air code**

Dim db As Database
Dim qdf As QueryDef
Dim strSql As String

Set db = CurrentDb()
Set qdf = db.QueryDefs("yourQuery")
strSql = "Select field1, field2, field3 From
yourTable "
& _
"Where " & Me.txtField & " Like '*" & _
Me.txtKeyword & "*'"
'you might want to view the above to make sure
'it's syntax is correct
MsgBox strSql
qdf.SQL = strSql
'now the query that your report is
'based on has the chosen criteria
Set qdf = Nothing
Set db = Nothing

Dan Artuso, Access MVP


This seems like its not to hard to answer; however,
having trouble finding someone to help me.

I have a form that takes a keyword and a field and
creates a report on it.

But i would also like a button that acts like a
that it generates a table with the results that
keyword in the selected field. This "appears" easy with
the keyword only being chosen from one field, but the
user can also select the field as well, and i am not good
enough at access to figure out how to write it so it

Any help is appreciated,


