Hello All,
I have a query that pulls a concatenated parameter from a form. The
query pulls several single parameters from the form as well. Thus the
where part of the query looks like this:
WHERE (((Community_tbl.Community_Code)=forms!frmschedulea!commID) And
((Trade_Partner_Products_Tbl.Phase)=forms!frmschedulea!phase) And
((Take_Offs_Tbl.House_Code)=forms!frmschedulea!text10) And
My question is this, how should i concatenate the parameter in on the
form. Right now when the for each next loop is done the parameter
looks like this:
Will this be correct or should it include the where statement or should
it look totally differnt??
I have a query that pulls a concatenated parameter from a form. The
query pulls several single parameters from the form as well. Thus the
where part of the query looks like this:
WHERE (((Community_tbl.Community_Code)=forms!frmschedulea!commID) And
((Trade_Partner_Products_Tbl.Phase)=forms!frmschedulea!phase) And
((Take_Offs_Tbl.House_Code)=forms!frmschedulea!text10) And
My question is this, how should i concatenate the parameter in on the
form. Right now when the for each next loop is done the parameter
looks like this:
Will this be correct or should it include the where statement or should
it look totally differnt??