Query Form

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Good morning,

I currently have a form set up from a parameter query that prompts a user to
enter a Customer name and 2 dates and will bring up records between those
dates. I have a switchboard setup to run a macro that opens this form in Edit
mode. But when I open the form, I can see records and highlight data, but I
cant seem to edit information on these. Why is this occuring ? Thanks
Good evening from London (UK) - about your lunchtime I'd guess!

The usual reason for a form not allowing updates etc (assuming the form's
data properties aren't set to prevent edits!) is that the query underlying
the form is non-updateable (such as a grouping query, a union query, or one
with more than one table where at least one join could prevent it being

How to find out if it's not updateable?

The quick way is to actually open the form's query in 'datasheet' view. Look
at the bottom of the datasheet - if the last row contains data, it's not
updateable asnd you won't be able to edit or add data from the form; but if
there's a blank row (to be precise, a blank row apart from any fields with
default values) then it's updateable and you will be able to edit via the
form unless there's some other problem. Also, if the query isn't updateable,
the rightmost navigation button (the one for a new record, a right-pointing
triangle plus a star) will be disabled.

Any help?
Great, yes very. Thanks. I frequently do not get such thorough answers on
these. That really explained things well and made sense. I'll check
properties on this form and see. I am opening it from a macro being called by
a switchboard and in the macro I specified that this should open in Edit
mode, but I dont' know if form properties may be possibly not setting or
overriding that. I will see. Also as you mentioned, yes this is form is based
on a query that uses data from 2 joined tables and as you mentioned in
'datasheet' mode the query shows data on the bottom line and the arrow*, just
R. of navigation buttons for adding a record is greyed out. Good eye. I'll
let you know what I find out about settings. Thanks
Hi Brent,

Glad to be of help. That's two successes so far today - I only found the
newsgroups two days ago. I see a whole new career looming....!!