The sql appears below. You were right, I used 'select
distinct'. That was because the original query was
returning the appropriate records four times. Having
examined the records and the sql for that, I was unable to
come up with any decent reason for the quadruplications.
Feel free to examine the language for the source of that
odd little output artifact - especially if you're
preparing to tell me I have to move away from 'SELECT
The statement here is long, but I involved three tables
and many fields of the records I wanted returned. Most of
the language is simply piling those fields into the output.
Thanks very much for your interest.
SELECT DISTINCT [Q-Secs].Complete, [Ditch Data Table].
[Ditch Number], [Ditch Data Table].[Ditch Name], [Ditch
Data Table].[Ditch Location], [Ditch Data
Table].Discharge, [Ditch Data Table].[Documentation
References], [Ditch Data Table].[Financial Data], [Ditch
Data Table].[Ditch Record References], [Ditch Data Table].
[Flat Files Technical Docs], [Ditch Data Table].[Ditch
Files Technical Docs], [Ditch Data Table].[Ditch status
history], [Ditch Data Table].[Repair History], [Ditch Data
Table].[Historical notes]
FROM ([Q-Secs] INNER JOIN [Ditches, one
line/ditch/section] ON [Q-Secs].Complete = [Ditches, one
line/ditch/section].Section) INNER JOIN [Ditch Data Table]
ON [Ditches, one line/ditch/section].[Ditch Number] =
[Ditch Data Table].[Ditch Number]
WHERE ((([Q-Secs].Range)=[Enter Range Number]) AND (([Q-
Secs].Twp)=[Enter Township Number]) AND (([Q-Secs].Sec)=
[Enter Section Number]))
ORDER BY [Q-Secs].Complete;
-----Original Message-----
Can you post the SQL statement? If you have used a totals query or the DISTINCT
clause in your query or a UNION query, then memo fields will be truncated to 255
Also, if you have applied any formatting to the Memo Field, it will be
(Possibly unneeded instructions follow)
Open the query
Select View:Sql from the Menu
Select all the text
Copy it
Paste it into the message