I apologize. I'm not a veteran using Access 2002. This should be what you
requested. I have the criteria on different columns. One column ask for
permits with the code SF, and the other column ask for the year 2003. I'm
getting all of the "SF's" but I'm also getting it for all of the years
instead of only 2003.
SELECT none_PARCEL.ParcelNumber, none_PARCEL.PropName,
none_PARCEL.PropAddress1, none_PARCEL.PropAddress2,
none_PARCEL.PropAddress3, none_PARCEL.PropNaCity, none_PARCEL.PropNaState,
none_PARCEL.PropNaZipCode, none_LEGAL.LegalDesc1, none_LEGAL.LegalDesc2,
none_LEGAL.LegalDesc3, none_PARCEL.PropStreetNumber,
none_PARCEL.PropStreetName, none_PARCEL.PropStreetMd,
none_PARCEL.PropStreetDr, none_PERMIT.R18PermitType,
none_PERMIT.R18IssueDateYy INTO [Two Year]
FROM (none_PARCEL INNER JOIN none_LEGAL ON none_PARCEL.ParcelNumber =
none_LEGAL.ParcelNumber) INNER JOIN none_PERMIT ON none_PARCEL.ParcelNumber
= none_PERMIT.ParcelNumber
WHERE (((none_PERMIT.R18PermitType)="TH") AND
((none_PERMIT.R18IssueDateYy)=2003)) OR (((none_PERMIT.R18PermitType)="CN"))
OR (((none_PERMIT.R18PermitType)="SF"))
Douglas J. Steele said:
All Kevin wanted to see was the SQL for your query.
Open the query in Design mode, then select Design View from the View menu.
That will show the SQL associated with your query. Highlight it all,
to the clipboard (Edit | Copy, or Ctrl+C), then paste it your followup post.
One thought, though: did you put the housing code criteria and 2003 both on
the same criteria line, or are they on separate lines? Putting them on
separate lines means one or the other: putting them on the same line means
one and the other.