Query Expression that would find the Earliest Date in a Row of Dat



I am working on a query that will select rows of data where each row contains
as many as 35 different dates. I would like to create a new field at the end
of each row of data where the earliest date in the row is returned in the new

TransRef Instrua Instrub Instruc Instrud Instrue Earliest Date
1785 10/5/06 9/15/06 11/8/06 1/1/07 4/30/07 9/15/06

Any ideas?


You need to normalize you table structure to look like this --
TransRef Instru InstruDate
1785 a 10/5/2006
1785 b 9/15/2006
1785 c 11/8/2006
1785 d 1/1/2007
1785 e 4/30/2007
1785 f 9/15/2006
1785 g 9/16/2006
1785 h 9/17/2006
1786 a 9/15/2006
1786 b 11/8/2006
1786 c 1/1/2007
1786 d 4/30/2007
1786 e 9/15/2006
1786 f 9/16/2006

Then a query can find the earilest date but you should not store it but just
run the query each time.

John Spencer

In a query I could do it with up to 29 arguments, but with 35 arguments any
function that I know of would fail in a query.

And that many fields is too probably too many to use in a normalizing query.

A workaround that could do it.

Paste the following into a module and use it twice in the query in a
calculated field, that would look something like the following.


'------------- Code Starts --------------
Public Function fGetMaxNumber(ParamArray Values()) As Variant
'John Spencer UMBC CHPDM
'Last Update: April 5, 2000
'Returns the Maximum Number of a group of values passed to it.
'Sample call: myMax = GetMaxNumber("-21","TEST","2", "3",4,5,6,"7",0)
returns 7
'Ignores values that cannot be treated as numbers.

Dim i As Integer, vMax As Variant, tfFound As Boolean, dblCompare As Double

vMax = -1E+308 'very large negative number
For i = LBound(Values) To UBound(Values)
If IsNumeric(Values(i)) Then
dblCompare = CDbl(Values(i))
If dblCompare > vMax Then
vMax = dblCompare
tfFound = True
End If
End If

If tfFound Then
fGetMaxNumber = vMax
fGetMaxNumber = Null
End If

End Function

Dale Fye's Version
Public Function MaxVal(ParamArray MyArray()) As Variant

Dim varMax As Variant
Dim intLoop As Integer
varMax = Null

For intLoop = LBound(MyArray) To UBound(MyArray)
If IsNull(MyArray(intLoop)) Then
'do nothing
ElseIf IsNull(varMax) Or MyArray(intLoop) > varMax Then
varMax = MyArray(intLoop)
End If
MaxVal = varMax

End Function


Where do I place the field names in this module setup? You can tell that
I'm new at this.

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