Query: Different Criteria Query for same record

  • Thread starter Thread starter Aaron
  • Start date Start date


I have a table with data structured as in the sample
listed below. I know I can get the total counts by
creating three queries; Count Fld1, Count Is Nulls in
Fld2, and Count Is Nulls in Fld3. What I'm wondering is
if there's a way I can generate the count totals in a
single query. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.


Fld1 Fld2 Fld3
1 Acct#1
1 Acct#2 Acct#8
1 Acct#9
1 Acct#3 Acct#10
1 Acct#4 Acct#11
1 Acct#5
1 Acct#12
1 Acct#6
1 Acct#7

TtlCnt=12 Fld2NullCnt=5 Fld3NullCnt=7
You might try a query whose SQL looks something like this:

Count([Your Table].[Fld1]) AS TtlCnt,
(Count(*) - Count([Your Table].[Fld2])) AS Fld2NullCnt,
(Count(*) - Count([Your Table].[Fld3])) AS Fld3NullCnt
[Your Table]

Note that TtlCnt will exclude records were Fld1 is Null. If you want to
count these too, use Count(*) instead of Count([Your Table].[Fld1]).
Thanks for the suggestion. I took some liberty with your
solution and I'm almost there but can't seem to figure out
how to display the record number for the results I'm
counting. The revised SQL is listed below. Thanks again,
I really appreciate the help.



Count([SomeTable].[FieldOne]) AS TotalRecCnt,
([SomeTable].[FieldTwo])))) AS ElecNotNull,

(Count(*)-Count([SomeTable].[FieldTwo])) AS ElecNull,
([SomeTable].[FieldThree])))) AS GasNotNull,

(Count(*)-Count([SomeTable].[FieldThree])) AS GasNull

SomeTable.FieldOne = 1056

-----Original Message-----
You might try a query whose SQL looks something like this:

Count([Your Table].[Fld1]) AS TtlCnt,
(Count(*) - Count([Your Table].[Fld2])) AS Fld2NullCnt,
(Count(*) - Count([Your Table].[Fld3])) AS Fld3NullCnt
[Your Table]

Note that TtlCnt will exclude records were Fld1 is Null. If you want to
count these too, use Count(*) instead of Count([Your Table].[Fld1]).

Aaron said:
I have a table with data structured as in the sample
listed below. I know I can get the total counts by
creating three queries; Count Fld1, Count Is Nulls in
Fld2, and Count Is Nulls in Fld3. What I'm wondering is
if there's a way I can generate the count totals in a
single query. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.


Fld1 Fld2 Fld3
1 Acct#1
1 Acct#2 Acct#8
1 Acct#9
1 Acct#3 Acct#10
1 Acct#4 Acct#11
1 Acct#5
1 Acct#12
1 Acct#6
1 Acct#7

TtlCnt=12 Fld2NullCnt=5 Fld3NullCnt=7

I have a table with data structured as in the sample
listed below. I know I can get the total counts by
creating three queries; Count Fld1, Count Is Nulls in
Fld2, and Count Is Nulls in Fld3. What I'm wondering is
if there's a way I can generate the count totals in a
single query. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.


Try adding a calculated field for each field you want to count NULLs:

IIF(IsNull([Field2], 1, 0)

and *sum* this value instead of counting.
I don't think I understand your question. Specifically:

1. Why are you using


instead of just


to count the number of records with a non-null value in FieldX?

2. What do you mean by "record number"?

Aaron said:
Thanks for the suggestion. I took some liberty with your
solution and I'm almost there but can't seem to figure out
how to display the record number for the results I'm
counting. The revised SQL is listed below. Thanks again,
I really appreciate the help.



Count([SomeTable].[FieldOne]) AS TotalRecCnt,
([SomeTable].[FieldTwo])))) AS ElecNotNull,

(Count(*)-Count([SomeTable].[FieldTwo])) AS ElecNull,
([SomeTable].[FieldThree])))) AS GasNotNull,

(Count(*)-Count([SomeTable].[FieldThree])) AS GasNull

SomeTable.FieldOne = 1056

-----Original Message-----
You might try a query whose SQL looks something like this:

Count([Your Table].[Fld1]) AS TtlCnt,
(Count(*) - Count([Your Table].[Fld2])) AS Fld2NullCnt,
(Count(*) - Count([Your Table].[Fld3])) AS Fld3NullCnt
[Your Table]

Note that TtlCnt will exclude records were Fld1 is Null. If you want to
count these too, use Count(*) instead of Count([Your Table].[Fld1]).

Aaron said:
I have a table with data structured as in the sample
listed below. I know I can get the total counts by
creating three queries; Count Fld1, Count Is Nulls in
Fld2, and Count Is Nulls in Fld3. What I'm wondering is
if there's a way I can generate the count totals in a
single query. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.


Fld1 Fld2 Fld3
1 Acct#1
1 Acct#2 Acct#8
1 Acct#9
1 Acct#3 Acct#10
1 Acct#4 Acct#11
1 Acct#5
1 Acct#12
1 Acct#6
1 Acct#7

TtlCnt=12 Fld2NullCnt=5 Fld3NullCnt=7


We have two tables where we store customer transactions,
an application table and an item table. The application
table contains the master record while the item table
contains one or more items related to each application
table. We have a process that loads data without a
customer account number after that data is loaded we have
a process that attempts to find the customer account based
on a name and address search. If that fails we end up
doing a manual search for the customer account records.

What I'm trying to do is to keep some statistics on the
number of "Null" records we have after the automated
process has attempted to find a customer's account
number. This will allow us to gauge the effectiveness of
not requiring the customer number up front.

So, in my original table example "Fld1" is the application
number which is repeated in the item table. So, the
statisticas table I want has fields for the application
number, total number of item records, count of electric
are not null, count of gas accounts that are null, count
of gas accounts that are not null and a couple of
additional fields listing the percentage of null and not
null electric and gas accounts per application.

This is why I was using the minus to get the total 100,
null 77, and not null 23.


-----Original Message-----
I don't think I understand your question. Specifically:

1. Why are you using

Count([SomeTable].[FieldOne])-(Count(*)-Count([SomeTable]. [FieldX]))

instead of just


to count the number of records with a non-null value in FieldX?

2. What do you mean by "record number"?

Aaron said:
Thanks for the suggestion. I took some liberty with your
solution and I'm almost there but can't seem to figure out
how to display the record number for the results I'm
counting. The revised SQL is listed below. Thanks again,
I really appreciate the help.



Count([SomeTable].[FieldOne]) AS TotalRecCnt,
([SomeTable].[FieldTwo])))) AS ElecNotNull,

(Count(*)-Count([SomeTable].[FieldTwo])) AS ElecNull,
([SomeTable].[FieldThree])))) AS GasNotNull,

(Count(*)-Count([SomeTable].[FieldThree])) AS GasNull

SomeTable.FieldOne = 1056

-----Original Message-----
You might try a query whose SQL looks something like this:

Count([Your Table].[Fld1]) AS TtlCnt,
(Count(*) - Count([Your Table].[Fld2])) AS Fld2NullCnt,
(Count(*) - Count([Your Table].[Fld3])) AS Fld3NullCnt
[Your Table]

Note that TtlCnt will exclude records were Fld1 is
If you want to
count these too, use Count(*) instead of Count([Your Table].[Fld1]).

I have a table with data structured as in the sample
listed below. I know I can get the total counts by
creating three queries; Count Fld1, Count Is Nulls in
Fld2, and Count Is Nulls in Fld3. What I'm wondering is
if there's a way I can generate the count totals in a
single query. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.


Fld1 Fld2 Fld3
1 Acct#1
1 Acct#2 Acct#8
1 Acct#9
1 Acct#3 Acct#10
1 Acct#4 Acct#11
1 Acct#5
1 Acct#12
1 Acct#6
1 Acct#7

TtlCnt=12 Fld2NullCnt=5 Fld3NullCnt=7


OK, but:

1. If "FieldOne" is never Null, then


will equal




will equal


which is the same as


2. What did you mean when you said that you "can't seem to figure out how
to display the record number for the results"? What "record number"? The
application number? If so, you might try adding


to the SELECT clause


[Some Table].[FieldOne]

to the end of the SQL statement.

Aaron said:

We have two tables where we store customer transactions,
an application table and an item table. The application
table contains the master record while the item table
contains one or more items related to each application
table. We have a process that loads data without a
customer account number after that data is loaded we have
a process that attempts to find the customer account based
on a name and address search. If that fails we end up
doing a manual search for the customer account records.

What I'm trying to do is to keep some statistics on the
number of "Null" records we have after the automated
process has attempted to find a customer's account
number. This will allow us to gauge the effectiveness of
not requiring the customer number up front.

So, in my original table example "Fld1" is the application
number which is repeated in the item table. So, the
statisticas table I want has fields for the application
number, total number of item records, count of electric
are not null, count of gas accounts that are null, count
of gas accounts that are not null and a couple of
additional fields listing the percentage of null and not
null electric and gas accounts per application.

This is why I was using the minus to get the total 100,
null 77, and not null 23.


-----Original Message-----
I don't think I understand your question. Specifically:

1. Why are you using

Count([SomeTable].[FieldOne])-(Count(*)-Count([SomeTable]. [FieldX]))

instead of just


to count the number of records with a non-null value in FieldX?

2. What do you mean by "record number"?

Aaron said:
Thanks for the suggestion. I took some liberty with your
solution and I'm almost there but can't seem to figure out
how to display the record number for the results I'm
counting. The revised SQL is listed below. Thanks again,
I really appreciate the help.



Count([SomeTable].[FieldOne]) AS TotalRecCnt,
([SomeTable].[FieldTwo])))) AS ElecNotNull,

(Count(*)-Count([SomeTable].[FieldTwo])) AS ElecNull,
([SomeTable].[FieldThree])))) AS GasNotNull,

(Count(*)-Count([SomeTable].[FieldThree])) AS GasNull

SomeTable.FieldOne = 1056

-----Original Message-----
You might try a query whose SQL looks something like this:

Count([Your Table].[Fld1]) AS TtlCnt,
(Count(*) - Count([Your Table].[Fld2])) AS Fld2NullCnt,
(Count(*) - Count([Your Table].[Fld3])) AS Fld3NullCnt
[Your Table]

Note that TtlCnt will exclude records were Fld1 is Null.
If you want to
count these too, use Count(*) instead of Count([Your

I have a table with data structured as in the sample
listed below. I know I can get the total counts by
creating three queries; Count Fld1, Count Is Nulls in
Fld2, and Count Is Nulls in Fld3. What I'm wondering is
if there's a way I can generate the count totals in a
single query. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.


Fld1 Fld2 Fld3
1 Acct#1
1 Acct#2 Acct#8
1 Acct#9
1 Acct#3 Acct#10
1 Acct#4 Acct#11
1 Acct#5
1 Acct#12
1 Acct#6
1 Acct#7

TtlCnt=12 Fld2NullCnt=5 Fld3NullCnt=7



Thanks. I'm working from home today, but when I get back
in the office tomorrow I'll modify my sql and see if I get
the results I'm expecting. Thanks for all of your help.


-----Original Message-----
OK, but:

1. If "FieldOne" is never Null, then


will equal



Count([SomeTable].[FieldOne])-(Count(*)-Count([SomeTable]. [FieldX]))

will equal


which is the same as


2. What did you mean when you said that you "can't seem to figure out how
to display the record number for the results"? What "record number"? The
application number? If so, you might try adding


to the SELECT clause


[Some Table].[FieldOne]

to the end of the SQL statement.


We have two tables where we store customer transactions,
an application table and an item table. The application
table contains the master record while the item table
contains one or more items related to each application
table. We have a process that loads data without a
customer account number after that data is loaded we have
a process that attempts to find the customer account based
on a name and address search. If that fails we end up
doing a manual search for the customer account records.

What I'm trying to do is to keep some statistics on the
number of "Null" records we have after the automated
process has attempted to find a customer's account
number. This will allow us to gauge the effectiveness of
not requiring the customer number up front.

So, in my original table example "Fld1" is the application
number which is repeated in the item table. So, the
statisticas table I want has fields for the application
number, total number of item records, count of electric
are not null, count of gas accounts that are null, count
of gas accounts that are not null and a couple of
additional fields listing the percentage of null and not
null electric and gas accounts per application.

This is why I was using the minus to get the total 100,
null 77, and not null 23.


-----Original Message-----
I don't think I understand your question. Specifically:

1. Why are you using

instead of just


to count the number of records with a non-null value in FieldX?

2. What do you mean by "record number"?

Thanks for the suggestion. I took some liberty with your
solution and I'm almost there but can't seem to
how to display the record number for the results I'm
counting. The revised SQL is listed below. Thanks again,
I really appreciate the help.



Count([SomeTable].[FieldOne]) AS TotalRecCnt,
([SomeTable].[FieldTwo])))) AS ElecNotNull,

(Count(*)-Count([SomeTable].[FieldTwo])) AS ElecNull,
([SomeTable].[FieldThree])))) AS GasNotNull,

(Count(*)-Count([SomeTable].[FieldThree])) AS GasNull

SomeTable.FieldOne = 1056

-----Original Message-----
You might try a query whose SQL looks something like this:

Count([Your Table].[Fld1]) AS TtlCnt,
(Count(*) - Count([Your Table].[Fld2])) AS Fld2NullCnt,
(Count(*) - Count([Your Table].[Fld3])) AS Fld3NullCnt
[Your Table]

Note that TtlCnt will exclude records were Fld1 is Null.
If you want to
count these too, use Count(*) instead of Count([Your

I have a table with data structured as in the sample
listed below. I know I can get the total counts by
creating three queries; Count Fld1, Count Is Nulls in
Fld2, and Count Is Nulls in Fld3. What I'm wondering is
if there's a way I can generate the count totals in a
single query. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.


Fld1 Fld2 Fld3
1 Acct#1
1 Acct#2 Acct#8
1 Acct#9
1 Acct#3 Acct#10
1 Acct#4 Acct#11
1 Acct#5
1 Acct#12
1 Acct#6
1 Acct#7

TtlCnt=12 Fld2NullCnt=5 Fld3NullCnt=7


