Thanks in advance for your assist.
How do I get a query to pull daily records from a master
table and Calculate (not sum) various fields as a weekly
or monthly format.
My master table collects data from a form and holds a
series of calculations within the master table
Ex. Date Item Uptime Efficiency FPY OEE
The last four fields are calculated from data within the
form and stored within these fields. I want to query the
dates over a week and month and recalculate the data for
the Uptime, efficiency, fpy, and oee fields for this
I've tried the "BETWEEN AND" function in the criteria.
Doing so gives me a series of dates. I want to show as a
week or month.
I've tried moving the same query into a report. The
report only sums the fields. I need to calculate based
upon other data in the master table.
Hope I've been clear and not rambling.
Thank you
How do I get a query to pull daily records from a master
table and Calculate (not sum) various fields as a weekly
or monthly format.
My master table collects data from a form and holds a
series of calculations within the master table
Ex. Date Item Uptime Efficiency FPY OEE
The last four fields are calculated from data within the
form and stored within these fields. I want to query the
dates over a week and month and recalculate the data for
the Uptime, efficiency, fpy, and oee fields for this
I've tried the "BETWEEN AND" function in the criteria.
Doing so gives me a series of dates. I want to show as a
week or month.
I've tried moving the same query into a report. The
report only sums the fields. I need to calculate based
upon other data in the master table.
Hope I've been clear and not rambling.
Thank you