query comes up blank

  • Thread starter Thread starter Maresdd
  • Start date Start date


Could somebody please look at my query. I've looked and looked and tried
changing it all different ways, but I can't work out why I'm not getting any
data. My query includes the following field

Afternoon Shift: IIf([Sleepover]=True Or [ServiceDate]=[PhDate] Or
Format([ServiceDate],"ddd")="Sat" Or
Format([ServiceDate],"ddd")="Sun",0,IIf([EndTime]>Format(#8:00:00 PM#,"Short
Time") And [EndTime]<=Format(#12:00:00 AM#,"Short
On Tue, 12 Jan 2010 20:26:01 -0800, Maresdd

That field - or any field - in itself cannot restrict any query to
return 0 records. Just delete the field altogether and you should
still get zero records. The problem is elsewhere, with a bad join or
an unexpected where-clause.

Microsoft Access MVP