I have a table with contribution information, with a date field for posting
the date of the contribution. I would like to query this information by
month and year.
I first used the following:
which works pretty well, but I would like to make it easier for the user so
the only have to input a month and year. So, I further refinded this by
Between DateSerial(Year(Date()), [Enter month NUMBER (1-12)],1) AND
DateSerial(Year(Date()),1+ [Enter month NUMBER (1-12)],0)
That worked great, except it only gives me the current year. So if I enter
"12" I only get information for December 2008. After further investigation,
I found this code in another post here (I entered my own table and field
names). I added this code in SQL view, but keep getting error (syntax)
messages when I try to save it
PARAMETERS TheYear Long, TheMonth Long;
SELECT tblReceipts.[ContributionDate]
FROM tlbReceipts
WHERE (([ContributionDate] >= DateSerial(TheYear, TheMonth, 1))
And ([ContributionDate] < DateSerial(TheYear, TheMonth + 1, 1)))
I've copied the text from the SQL view here:
SELECT tblContributor.ContributorID,
tblContributor.[LastName/OrganizationName], tblContributor.FirstName,
tblReceipts.ContributionDate, tblReceipts.Amount
FROM tblContributor INNER JOIN tblReceipts ON tblContributor.ContributorID =
WHERE (((tblReceipts.ContributionDate) Between
DateSerial(Year(Date()),[Enter month NUMBER (1-12)],1) And
DateSerial(Year(Date()),1+[Enter month NUMBER (1-12)],0)));
PARAMETERS TheYear Long, TheMonth Long;
SELECT tblReceipts.[ContributionDate]
FROM tlbReceipts
WHERE (([ContributionDate] >= DateSerial(TheYear, TheMonth, 1))
And ([ContributionDate] < DateSerial(TheYear, TheMonth + 1, 1)));
The error says: Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression
'(((tblReceipts.ContributionDate) Between DateSerial(Date()),[Enter month
NUMBER (1-12)],1) And DateSerial(Year(Date()),1+[Enter month NUMBER
I've tried deleting the first WHERE statement because I realize it's
redundant, but that doesn't work either.
In addition, will this solution work if I want to query by YEAR, so that I
get the information for a certain year (the whole year)?
the date of the contribution. I would like to query this information by
month and year.
I first used the following:
=[Start Date] And <=[End Date]
which works pretty well, but I would like to make it easier for the user so
the only have to input a month and year. So, I further refinded this by
Between DateSerial(Year(Date()), [Enter month NUMBER (1-12)],1) AND
DateSerial(Year(Date()),1+ [Enter month NUMBER (1-12)],0)
That worked great, except it only gives me the current year. So if I enter
"12" I only get information for December 2008. After further investigation,
I found this code in another post here (I entered my own table and field
names). I added this code in SQL view, but keep getting error (syntax)
messages when I try to save it
PARAMETERS TheYear Long, TheMonth Long;
SELECT tblReceipts.[ContributionDate]
FROM tlbReceipts
WHERE (([ContributionDate] >= DateSerial(TheYear, TheMonth, 1))
And ([ContributionDate] < DateSerial(TheYear, TheMonth + 1, 1)))
I've copied the text from the SQL view here:
SELECT tblContributor.ContributorID,
tblContributor.[LastName/OrganizationName], tblContributor.FirstName,
tblReceipts.ContributionDate, tblReceipts.Amount
FROM tblContributor INNER JOIN tblReceipts ON tblContributor.ContributorID =
WHERE (((tblReceipts.ContributionDate) Between
DateSerial(Year(Date()),[Enter month NUMBER (1-12)],1) And
DateSerial(Year(Date()),1+[Enter month NUMBER (1-12)],0)));
PARAMETERS TheYear Long, TheMonth Long;
SELECT tblReceipts.[ContributionDate]
FROM tlbReceipts
WHERE (([ContributionDate] >= DateSerial(TheYear, TheMonth, 1))
And ([ContributionDate] < DateSerial(TheYear, TheMonth + 1, 1)));
The error says: Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression
'(((tblReceipts.ContributionDate) Between DateSerial(Date()),[Enter month
NUMBER (1-12)],1) And DateSerial(Year(Date()),1+[Enter month NUMBER
I've tried deleting the first WHERE statement because I realize it's
redundant, but that doesn't work either.
In addition, will this solution work if I want to query by YEAR, so that I
get the information for a certain year (the whole year)?