I have a query that returns my patent records. I used that query, Query1,
and created a new query using another table, Assignment Information, Query2.
The primary key for both tables is PatentID. The join is all records from
Query1 and those from Assignment Information where the fields are equal. The
problem is that the first query shows the appropriate number of patents, but
the second query shows the same patent 10 times. There don't appear to be
any duplicate fields, so I am not sure why there are so many duplicate
and created a new query using another table, Assignment Information, Query2.
The primary key for both tables is PatentID. The join is all records from
Query1 and those from Assignment Information where the fields are equal. The
problem is that the first query shows the appropriate number of patents, but
the second query shows the same patent 10 times. There don't appear to be
any duplicate fields, so I am not sure why there are so many duplicate