Douglas J. Steele
Not quite sure what you're looking for.
By Day of the day, do you mean you want to know that today (2003/06/29) is
the 29th, or do you want to know that it's a Sunday? And if you want to know
that it's a Sunday, do you want that as text, or do you want to know that
it's day 1 of the week?
If the first, you want Day(Date()) to get 29
If the second, you want Format$(Date(), "dddd") to get Sunday, or
Format$(Date(), "ddd") to get Sun
If the third, you want Weekday(Date()) to get 1 (vbSunday)
If you're looking for something different, post back with more details.
By Day of the day, do you mean you want to know that today (2003/06/29) is
the 29th, or do you want to know that it's a Sunday? And if you want to know
that it's a Sunday, do you want that as text, or do you want to know that
it's day 1 of the week?
If the first, you want Day(Date()) to get 29
If the second, you want Format$(Date(), "dddd") to get Sunday, or
Format$(Date(), "ddd") to get Sun
If the third, you want Weekday(Date()) to get 1 (vbSunday)
If you're looking for something different, post back with more details.