If a comma consistently marks the end of your last name
field, you can use a combination of Left() and Instr()
with an update query to perform this.
I ran this in the immediate window:
? left("Doe, John", instr("Doe, John",",")-1)
You would replace "Doe, John" with your field name (e.g.,
[FullName]), and of course not use the "?" as part of your
A SQL statement incorporating this might look like:
Update tblYourTable Set [LastName] = left([FullName], instr
I have written a name parser that is designed to parse
very complicated name constructions. If you need this,
email me at (e-mail address removed), and I'll send it to
you. If others find this from a search engine and want it
(most requests for my name parser have come this way),
email me at (e-mail address removed).
David Atkins, MCP