The year and the term are noted by the secretary in the field
[InscriptionDate] only on the first of January for the Winter term, on the
first of May for the Summer term and on the first of September for the Fall
Every item fee could be paid for each inscription.
I have 3 queries which already works for each term, but now I need to sum
the 3 queries (Winter, Summer and Fall) for the report?
Here is the query for the Fall Term in SQL, the month being "09":
SELECT tblStudents.StudentID, tblStudents.LastName, tblStudents.FirstName,
Format([InscriptionDate],"yyyy") AS InscriptionYear4Numbers,
For-mat(tblInscriptions.InscriptionDate,"mm") AS InscriptionMonth,
Sum(tblCourses.Credits) AS CreditsSum,
AS FallFees
FROM tblStudents INNER JOIN (tblCourses INNER JOIN (tblInscriptions INNER
JOIN tblInscriptionDetails ON tblInscriptions.IdInscription =
tblInscrip-tionDetails.idInscription) ON tblCourses.CourseID =
tblInscriptionDe-tails.CourseID) ON tblStudents.StudentID =
GROUP BY tblStudents.StudentID, tblStudents.LastName, tblStudents.FirstName,
HAVING (((Format([InscriptionDate],"yyyy"))=Right(Year(Date())-1,4)) AND
((Sum(tblCourses.Credits))>=7) AND
AND ((Format([tblInscriptions].[InscriptionDate],"mm"))="09"))
ORDER BY tblStudents.LastName;
"KARL DEWEY" <wrote