-----Original Message-----
Hi Polina,
If I understand you correctly, the query works okay but
you only want a particular match (similar to vlookup) out
of all the matches. If this is correct, in criteria for a
text field you're keying on type:
Like "*"&[Enter record text sought]&"*"
The string between the square brackets will generate on on-
screen prompt asking for some string sequence that would
identify the sought record.
Again, if I understand you correctly, you can also look
for records keying on numeric values by typing in criteria:
=[Enter value sought]
Or, if you want records within a range of values, type:
=[Enter lower limit] and <=[Enter upper limit]
There are more variations, depending on how you want to
restrict the output.
If I've misunderstood the question, I apologize, but
perhaps more info would help get you your answer.
-----Original Message-----
I am running a query in access which looks at two tables
and returns in a query only the data from one table that
matches the data in another table. In excel this is
called a vlookup function, can someone please advise me
on what I have to enter under criteria for this to work.