I have a table which feeds a query that has data for 5
locations. I need to create a query with a combo box that
asks the user to enter their desired location and other
aspects to return a report with only the locations they
want to look at. How can I do this. Thanks for any help.
You can adapt this for your needs.
Create an unbound form.
Add a combo box.
Set the Row Source of the combo box to include the
CompanyID field and the Company Name.
Name the Combo Box 'FindCompany'.
Set it's Bound column to 1.
Set the Column Width property to 0";1"
Add a Command Button to the form.
Code the button's click event:
Me.Visible = False
Name this form 'ParamForm'.
In the Query (the Report's Record Source) [CompanyID] field criteria
line write:
Next, code the report's Open event:
DoCmd.OpenForm "ParamForm", , , , , acDialog
Code the Report's Close event:
DoCmd.Close acForm, "ParamForm"
When ready to run the report, open the report.
The form will open and wait for the selection of the Company.
Click the command button and then report will run.
When the report closes, it will close the form.
You never see the query.