Leo Loeb
I am building a database for a non-profit group that offers spay/neutering of
feral cats to control populations and environmental impact. We need to report
on a quarterly basis the number of colonies, number of cats and number of
spayed/neutered cats. There is a lot more data management but this aspect of
inventory control is the key to helping the organization and teh area of
present concern. On a quarterly basis, a volunteer calls the colony
caretakers and gets a count of additions, deaths, missing and adoptions. At
this stage I am completing the development of the tables and their
relationships and am looking for advice before I go too far.
In the database, I have a colony table (tblColony) that is in a one to many
relationship with a table of all the cats (tblCats). I've looked at Allen
Browne's sample ( http://allenbrowne.com/AppInventory.html) and have
incorporated tables tblAcq, tblAcqDetail, tblDel and tblDelDetail that link
in a one to many relationship with the tblCat table to handle the
transactions of addition and deletions to the population. I am uncertain
whether I need a StockTake table and am looking for input in this regard.
When a colony is added, cat acquisitions are increased, one cat at a time by
colony. When the quarterly audit occurs, further additions and deletions
occur. Since each Cat is an individual, the quantity on hand is either zero
or one. My questions are: 1) Do I really need a StockTake table? 2) What
is a reasonable way to build reports that will show quarterly inventories
(Colonies, Cats and Spay/neutered cats).
Thank you,
Leo Loeb
feral cats to control populations and environmental impact. We need to report
on a quarterly basis the number of colonies, number of cats and number of
spayed/neutered cats. There is a lot more data management but this aspect of
inventory control is the key to helping the organization and teh area of
present concern. On a quarterly basis, a volunteer calls the colony
caretakers and gets a count of additions, deaths, missing and adoptions. At
this stage I am completing the development of the tables and their
relationships and am looking for advice before I go too far.
In the database, I have a colony table (tblColony) that is in a one to many
relationship with a table of all the cats (tblCats). I've looked at Allen
Browne's sample ( http://allenbrowne.com/AppInventory.html) and have
incorporated tables tblAcq, tblAcqDetail, tblDel and tblDelDetail that link
in a one to many relationship with the tblCat table to handle the
transactions of addition and deletions to the population. I am uncertain
whether I need a StockTake table and am looking for input in this regard.
When a colony is added, cat acquisitions are increased, one cat at a time by
colony. When the quarterly audit occurs, further additions and deletions
occur. Since each Cat is an individual, the quantity on hand is either zero
or one. My questions are: 1) Do I really need a StockTake table? 2) What
is a reasonable way to build reports that will show quarterly inventories
(Colonies, Cats and Spay/neutered cats).
Thank you,
Leo Loeb